Kenya to launch major tourism marketing drive in China

Kenya is set to launch a major tourism promotion drive to target Chinese tourists as well as leaders attending the China-Africa summit opening in Beijing later this week, tourism officials have said.

Kenyan tourism marketing agents said the campaign to showcase the country as a tourist destination will be done through a variety of media advertisement, including billboards, road shows and would also include the use of specialized teams of travel agents.

"We are launching a major marketing campaign in China later this week. China is a big market in Asia. We have established our presence there," Kenya Tourism Board Managing Director Dr. Ongong' an Achieng said.

"We signed Approved Destination Status for outbound Chinese tourist groups in 2004 and we have translated this into increased marketing of tourism in China," he said.

Achieng said the consistent marketing campaigns in China has seen increased number of Chinese tourists coming into the country since 2004, when the East African nation was granted the preferred tourist destination status.

The KTB chief said Kenya has established itself in China and the prospects of more trade with Beijing were looking brighter since the 2004 signing of the preferred tourist destination.


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