XL Conducts U.S. Portion of China Insurance Training Program

Bermuda-based XL Capital Ltd. has launched the final module of an executive training and development program for China insurance regulators and executives.

"The educational initiative, known as the China Insurance Industry Executive Leadership Program, is designed to support the development of leadership talent in the People's Republic of China insurance industry," said the announcement.

It's the first such program endorsed by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) to include sessions in both China and other countries. The first module was a five-day program conducted in Beijing in March 2006. It was led by university professors, insurance scholars and executives. Up to 50 participants attended the Beijing leg of the program.

The current session brings 25 of the participants of the first part of the program to participate in the final component, "which includes a series of discussions in Bermuda, New York and Philadelphia highlighting strategic choices facing the China government and insurance industry on both local and international Wlevels. "


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