Taiwan market: Channel retailers conservative about demand during IT Month Show in December


Channel retailers are turning conservative about the IT Month trading show in Taiwan in December, which is a show with promotion products that will usually boost consumer demand, but since several large retailers in Taiwan have already cleared out their PC inventory in November, any products including those that will be pushed during the IT Month will all feature prices that include the increased hard drive cost.

Most of the notebook models that will be pushed during the IT Month show already reflect hard drive costs that have increased 30-50%; hard drives in the retail channel have even increased by more than 80%. Since the cost will have a chance to rise another 5-10%, the end price for PCs and hard drives in the retail channel will see further increases.

However, some players pointed out that large channel retailers normally would prepare inventory for the IT Month two months ago and there should not be a big impact in their promotion price during the trading show.


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