Xuanhua Construction Machinery Sells Shares Of CAMC Engineering


November 22 -- Xuanhua Construction Machinery (000923.SZ) sold a total of 253,400 shares of China CAMC Engineering (002051) at an average price of 28.58 yuan per share during the November 17-21 period, reports yicai.com, citing a company filing.

The company obtained earnings of 5.13 million yuan from the share sales, equivalent to 25.86 percent of total net profit posted in the last fiscal year.

During the November 9-21 period, the company had liquidated a total of 1.83 million shares at an average price of 28.62 yuan per share.

The divestment brought in returns of 27.09 million yuan, equivalent to 186.97 percent of the total profit earned in the last financial year.


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