Taiwan market: Penetration of wireless mice to reach 40% in 2012


With the price of wireless mice dropping from more than NT$1,000 (US$33) previously to around NT$400-500, the penetration of wireless models is expected to increase to 40% in 2012, up from 30-35% currently, according to sources from accessory players.

Currently, 2.4GHz wireless technology is the standard solution used in wireless mice and keyboards, accounting for 90-95% of the total market, while most of the remaining percentage use Bluetooth technology; however, these products are normally priced starting NT$1,000 due to the technology's higher cost.

As for keyboards, although wireless keyboards currently only account for 15-20% of total shipments, since demand for tablet PCs is growing quickly, penetration of wireless keyboards may grow along with the demand, the sources noted.


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