Lenovo Offers First Android Tablet.mp4


Lenovo Group and Qualcomm (NASDAQ:QCOM) announced the Lenovo ThinkPad tablet will now offer Qualcomm's Gobi 3000 technology, making it the first Android (NASDAQ:GOOG) tablet that gives enterprise customers a single mobile platform for use throughout the world.

The new offering removes the need to change hardware to support different carriers or mobile connectivity standards from region to region.

With Gobi 3000 technology, ThinkPad Tablet users can easily connect to any major US carrier and stay connected with global roaming support when business brings them overseas.

QUALCOMM (NASDAQ:QCOM) has potential upside of 27.6% based on a current price of $52.09 and an average consensus analyst price target of $66.48.

QUALCOMM should find initial resistance at its 50-day moving average (MA) of $53.07 and further resistance at its 200-day MA of $54.25.


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