China welcomes foreign investment in banking sector

China will continue to support foreign banks that become strategic investors in Chinese commercial banks in the next five years, said a document on foreign investment utilization in Beijing.

Chinese banks must hold the majority of shares of such ventures, according to the country's 11th five-year program (2006-2010) on foreign investment utilization.

Over the past few years, strategic foreign investors have joined three of the "big four" state-owned commercial banks in China, including the Industrial and  Commercial Bank of China, the Bank of China and the China Construction Bank. Under China's WTO commitment, the country will fully open its banking sector to foreign banks by the end of this year.

According to the document, China utilized 383 billion U.S. dollars of overseas investment between 2001 and 2005. This included 286 billion dollars in direct overseas investment, 38 billion dollars in overseas stock investment and 46 billion dollars in foreign loans.


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