OEM shipments of Nook Tablets to Barnes & Noble reach one million units, say sources


Barnes & Noble should have so far taken delivery of one million units of Nook Tablet PCs from OEM production partners, according to an estimate by sources at upstream suppliers.

Barnes & Noble has been increasing its orders to upstream component suppliers as well as OEM contractor Inventec due to strong sales in retail channels during the Thanksgiving holiday season in North America, said the sources.

The market had originally expected Barnes & Noble to pull in orders for 800,000 Nook Tablet PCs before year-end 2011, indicated the sources, adding that the increased orders from Barnes & Noble has strengthened Inventec's position in the OEM tablet PC segment.

Inventec suffered a setback after Hewlett-Packard (HP) decided to discontinue the production of WebOS-based TouchPad tablets, noted the sources.


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