Quanta Computer sees decreased revenues, Wistron hits record in November


Quanta Computer saw consolidated revenues for November decrease 9.68% on month and 3.41% on year, while fellow maker Wistron generated record consolidated revenues of NT$66.097 billion (US$2.19 billion) in November.

Quanta shipped 4.4 million notebooks in November and 51.6 million in January-November 2011. Quanta originally expected its notebook shipments in 2011 to increase from 2010 by 10%, but has decreased growth estimates to 5% due to short supply of hard disk drives arising from the impact of flooding in Thailand.

Wistron shipped 3.1 million notebooks and 1.7 million hand-held devices in November. The company will upward adjust its 2011 forecast to 30 million notebooks and projects shipments of 36 million notebooks and four million tablet PCs for 2012.

Inventec shipped 1.2 million notebooks in November.


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