Motorola to outsource all sub-US$350 smartphones in 2012, says paper


Motorola Mobility will subcontract all of its orders for entry-level and mid-range smartphones with a price tag of below US$300-350 to handset ODMs in 2012, with Foxconn International Holdings (FIH) and Arima Communications to benefit from the vendor's outsourcing policy, according to a Chinese-language Commercial Times report.

FIH is expected to snap up to 70-80% of new models to be released by Motorola in 2012, while Arima will still land orders for five models, the paper indicated.

Motorola launched on December 13 its sub-NT$10,000 (US$330) Android smartphone, the XT532, as well as the dual-core ME865 Android phone in the Taiwan market. Motorola has outsourced the XT532 to FIH, noted the paper. 


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