China to Continue Current Fiscal and Monetary Policy


This year, China's proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy have supported the stable growth of the Chinese economy. In recent days, the government says these policies will continue in 2012.

In 2011, China’s proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy have worked very well. The combined measures have ensured China’s fast and stable growth.

Zhang Liqun, researcher of Development Research Center of the State Council said: "The Chinese economy saw stable growth this year. The achievement doesn’t come easy as the domestic and international environment is very complicated. Inflationary pressures have significantly eased. The Consumer Price Index, a main gauge of inflation, rose 6.5 percent in July. But the growth started to slow since August. CPI increased 4.2 percent last month. "

As the economic environment will become even more complex next year, experts say China should maintain its current fiscal and monetary stance.

Niu Li, researcher of Economic Forecast Department, State Information Center, said: "Generally speaking, downside risks to world economy and uncertainties will increase next year. That includes worsening euro zone debt crisis. Another concern is US growth has lost steam. The growth of advanced economies are slowing but price pressures are rising."

Zhang Liqun said: "In 2012, China’s economy will face many external risks. We need to keep a close eye on the changes in international markets and get ready for any possible impact. There are also internal risks. Growth in property investment in particular is quite uncertain. These all require the Chinese government to be well prepared and draw up effective policies.

China’s GDP growth slowed to 9.1 percent in the third quarter of this year, compared with 9.7 percent in the first quarter. It’s predicted the slowing momentum could continue next year.

But experts say there is no need to worry as that’s just technical adjustment. As laid out in the 12th Five Year Plan, China focuses on shifting its growth pattern to speed up industry upgrade.

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