China FDI growth slows


China drew over 103 billion U.S. dollars in foreign investment during the first eleven months this year, up more than 13 percent from the same period last year. The figures were released at the Ministry of Commerce press conference Thursday morning.

During the January-November period, over 25 thousand foreign-invested companies were established in China. Investment from Asian countries and regions, including Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea, jumped by nearly 18 percent. Investment from the U.S. declined 23 percent year-on-year.

Investments from the EU were up slightly during the same period. The figures also show that foreign investment in the central and western parts of China grew by a bigger margin than that in the eastern part of the country.

As for foreign trade, China's exports climbed by 21 percent for the first 11 months, while imports grew by 26 percent.

The nation's trade surplus for this period stood at over 138 billion U.S. dollars, 18 percent less from last year.

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