Acer to not give up tablet PCs, says founder


In response to the rumor that Acer will withdraw from the tablet PC and smartphone markets, the company's founder, Stan Shih, has said that although Acer's tablet operation has not performed well, it is not time to give up the business.

He said experiencing frustration is an unavoidable the process, just like Acer's encountering troubles when it entered the notebook market.

Acer's board of directors has discussed the company's product development and streamlining its corporate organization, and has consented to strategies of simplifying operational goals through focusing on profitable products, Shih indicated.

Considering the much overlapped development of tablet PC and smartphones, a simplified organization is expected to increase operation efficiency, reduce conflicts in product development and consolidate resources for developing niche and competitive products, Shih explained.

Acer has clarified the rumor by stating that Acer has no plans to quit the tablet PC and smartphone business operations or downsize related personnel but will made optimal adjustments to decrease the number of product models for selective and strategic input of operational resources. If the adjustments lead to success, Acer will expand tablet PC and smartphone business operations, the company said.


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