Reallusion promoting iClone5


Reallusion, a Taiwan-based developer of animation production software tools, has been promoting sales of iClone5, its real-time 3D animation editing software developed through cooperation with Microsoft Kinect, in the global market segment of education, according to the company.

Through integrating Kinect motion sensing technology, iClone5 enables users to reduce time and cost in production of animation, Reallusion said. As home-made video has become increasingly popular on YouTube and other websites, iClone5 is intended for teaching students to produce video, Reallusion said.

Along with Microsoft's promotion of Kinect for Windows, Reallusion will upgrade iClone5 to version 5.1 in 2012 to enable the sensing of such human parts as elbows, heads and feet, the company indicated.

With revenues coming from Europe, the US and Japan mainly, Reallusion is also tapping the China market.


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