STWA’s Oil Pipeline Efficiency Technology to Capitalize on Chinese National Mandate



Save the World Air Inc. (OTCBB: ZERO), a developer of technologies designed to improve efficiency in both large scale energy production and diesel engine performance, helping transport oil product from companies like CNOOC Limited (NYSE: CEO) and PetroChina Company Limited (NYSE: PTR), recently moved to capitalize on Chinese national mandates.

On the heels of announcing a Letter of Intent to commercialize its oil pipeline efficiency technology in China, STWA, Inc. (OTC.BB: ZERO.OB) (“STWA” or the “Company”), a developer of energy efficiency technologies in the multi-billion dollar oil pipeline and diesel engine markets, issued today an assessment of the China oil pipeline market and China’s influence on the global energy market.

STWA announced on December 21, 2011 that it has signed a Letter of Intent with Beijing Heng He Xing Ye Technology Development Co., Ltd (“TDC”) for licensing, sales and distribution of STWA’s Applied Oil Technology™ (AOT™) into the Chinese market.

Recently, the State Council of China issued an environmental mandate to the country’s energy industry to reduce energy consumption 16% by 2015. According to recent U.S. Department of Energy testing conducted in the fall of 2011, STWA’s AOT™ can reduce the amount of energy used in transporting oil per mile by over 13%. This energy-efficiency improvement would translate into numerous, direct financial and environmental benefits for Chinese state-owned oil firms. TDC and STWA are at this time working to make STWA’s AOT™ a key strategic resource in China’s national 16% energy reduction plan.

“We have a solid relationship building with TDC as guardian of our intellectual property in China. They have deep relationships with major oil concerns in China and Chinese government officials. We were introduced to TDC through their technical lead, who, when a graduate student at Temple University, studied under Dr. Tao, our chief physicist and inventor of AOT™. Following our recent productive meetings with senior TDC management at our Santa Barbara headquarters and in New York, we are scheduled for January meetings in China to advance our commercialization plans,” stated STWA Chairman and CEO, Mr. Cecil Bond Kyte.

In a recently published report, the U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA) stated, “Rapidly increasing energy demand has made China very influential in world energy markets.” The EIA report showed that China is the world’s second largest oil consumer behind the United States, and is the overall largest global energy consumer. The report further stated that China consumed an estimated 9.2 million barrels per day of oil in 2010, up over 10% from previous-year levels. The combination of market size and pace of market growth make China a key global influencer in the energy and oil markets.

According to the China National Petroleum Corporation, China has about 13,932 miles of total crude oil pipelines and nearly 8,265 miles of oil products pipelines in its domestic network. China’s spending on pipelines is estimated to increase 40% by 2015, driven by the construction of new pipelines to deliver oil supplies from newer oil-producing regions and from downstream centers to more remote markets. AOT™ can make a significant contribution by maximizing economic benefits and reducing environmental impacts of transporting these new reserves.

China’s oil industry is dominated by two vertically integrated national firms, China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and its publicly-listed arm PetroChina. These two entities account for 60-80% of China’s total oil and gas output. Other state-owned firms are quickly growing market share. These include CNOOC Limited, China’s largest producer of offshore oil and gas and Sinochem International, listed on the Shanghai exchange, the largest domestic third-party petrochemical storage and logistics provider in China. These four main stakeholders in the market are closely tied with government and are aligned with government’s objectives to improve energy efficiency.

“We believe that AOT™ has the potential to assist China in reaching its aggressive energy conservation and environmental goals,” stated Bjørn Simundson, STWA Executive Director, Program Management/Operations. “Since China is the largest energy consumer in the world, and is recognized as a global influencer in energy markets, we feel it is a natural fit to be the first international market for us to advance commercial interest in our AOT™ oil pipeline efficiency technology. I believe that working with TDC to protect our mutual interests, and to provide introductions to national oil companies in China bodes well for AOT™ as we advance our commercialization program not only in China, but also in North America and other international markets.”

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