ChinaVision (HKG:1060) CEO Cui Bin Resigns


ChinaVision Media (HKG:1060) announced that Cui Bin will resign as its CEO with effect from 9 January 2012.

The company has noted various media reports in the PRC against Cui personally. In order to separate the company together with its subsidiaries from these unrelated reports and protect the group's reputation, Cui decided on his own volition to resign as the CEO of the company. Following an investigation conducted by the company, the company considers that such reports against Cui are neither part of the official duties, nor do they represent or constitute the group's actions and are not related to the group.

Subsequent to the resignation of Cui, Dong Ping, the chairman of the company, will be the acting CEO until an appropriate person is appointed to fill in the vacancy.

Cui has confirmed that he has no disagreement between himself and the board and there is no matter relating to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the company or the Stock Exchange.

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