InvestSource Inc.Announces Profile Coverage of Skystar


InvestSource Inc. announced profile coverage on Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical. Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical is a China-based producer and distributor of vaccines, microorganisms and 100% organic herbal additives to cure and prevent disease in poultry, livestock, birds and pets.

The company's product line consists of more than 70 state-of-the-art products with over 50 additional products in the developmental stage. One of the prominent products currently in the development stage is a feed additive and vaccine for Avian Influenza.

Skystar has formed strategic sales distribution networks in 27 provinces and regions throughout China. Skystar recently received China's State Ministry of Agriculture's authorization for the construction of a new Bio-Pharmaceutical facility, which will conform to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards and will significantly increase the company's production capacity. Skystar anticipates that this increase will help the company meet the overwhelming demand for its products.



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