Digitimes Research: 2012 global solar installations to reach 28.5GW, higher than previous forecast


Digitimes Research forecast 2012 total installations to be 26.9GW. However, Germany announced fourth-quarter 2011 installations surpassed the predicted 4GW. Hence, Digitimes Research has adjusted its 2012 forecast of global solar installations to 28.5GW.

Demand in the solar market returned more apparently in January 2012. Tier-one and tier-two firms have all been experiencing increases in orders and capacity utilization rates. Product prices have been steady. Polysilicon spot pricing has been increasing slowly. However, module prices will be pressured by incentive cuts.

As demand heats up, governments in Europe have been adjusting incentives downward in January 2012. Germany has decided to decrease incentives once more during mid-year while Italy has set limitations to the incentive programs on large-size installations. Italy has decided to cancel applications for large-size solar PV power plants for the second half of 2012. Spain decided to halt all subsidies to renewable energy due to mounting debt. France plans to decrease subsidies by 4-10% in first-quarter 2012.

Demand in Europe's major solar markets continues to be strong, but the high levels of installations have been causing governments to reconsider their subsidy programs for 2012. 


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