NSSF Sells 18M Shr of ICBC (SHA:601398, HKG:1398), 16M Shares of BOC (SHA:601988, HKG:3988)


The National Council for the Social Security Fund (NSSF) reduced its long position in the H shares of ICBC (SHA:601398, HKG:1398) from 15.01% to 14.99% on February 8 by selling 18 million shares at HK$5.508 per share on average on the Stock Exchange, the Stock Exchange's Disclosure of Interests information shows.

On the same day, NSSF also sold 16 million H shares of BOC (SHA:601988, HKG:3988) at HK$3.356 per share on average, reducing its long possition in the H shares of the bank from 10.01% to 9.99%.



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