China's CTV sectors witness sales, profit boom in 2006


China has witnessed increased sales and revenue from LCD sets in 2006, though the market is still dominated by the traditional cathode ray tubes. Sales of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) televisions in China last year shot up by 200 per cent year on year to 3.8 million units and are expected to reach seven million this year.

LCD televisions held a 10.6 per cent share of the country's color TV market in 2006. Sales revenue of LCD televisions grew 189 per cent to USD 4.7 billion last year.

Big price cut has stimulated LCD TV sales. Forty-inch to 46-inch LCD televisions saw an average price cut of around 30 per cent last year. It is predicted that the prices will drop by another 25 per cent this year due to lower production cost.

Sales of plasma TVs climbed only 13 per cent to 600,000 units. Traditional television sets, with cathode ray tubes, still far outsold all others with 87 per cent of the market share.


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