Chery consists 30% of Chinese vehicle export in the first half of the year


Chery reported the highest passenger vehicles export of 50,130 units in the first half of the year among Chinese automakers, consisting 26.7% of the overall export volume of passenger vehicles of Chinese domestic brands, according to the statistics of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM).

Having maintained the top Chinese automaker with the highest export for 12 consecutive years in 2015, Chery accelerates the market expansion in the Eastern Europe, Western Asia and Africa as Chinese government has implemented “One Belt and One Road” (Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road) strategy since 2013.

In Iran, Chery has grabbed 5% market share, the third most popular automaker in the market. The company also assigned the Industrial Park Project in Brazil under the witness of Premier Li Keqiang, following the opening of its plant in the country. The industrial park project will push forward the construction of industrial chain in the Brazil market, which will cover the whole Middle and South America market.

Chery announced its strong growth momentum in South America market through realizing 44% year-on-year growth in the first half of the year in the market amid the overall downturn. The automaker also spared no effort in improving the quality on the basis of accumulative technology of 18 years. In particular, Arrizo 7, Tiggo 3 and Tiggo 5 rank high in quality among its siblings of the same class. Tiggo 5 has been awarded the best SUV of the great value in 2015 in Chile and the most popular Chinese vehicle model in Russia.

With a long history of more than ten years in expanding the foreign market, Chery will continue to strengthen the top position on export.


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