Vehicle exports fall 27% in October

China's vehicle exports continued their yearlong decline in October, tumbling nearly 27 percent year on year to 54,000 vehicles as demand in key overseas markets remains depressed, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.
Passenger vehicle exports slumped 23 percent from a year earlier to 33,500 vehicles. Exports of buses and trucks plunged 31 percent to 20,500.
During the month, Geely Automobile Holdings' exports plummeted 75 percent to 1,009 vehicles while Great Wall Motor Co.'s exports fell 43 percent to 2,115. Other automakers in China haven't disclosed export data.
In the first 10 months, China's vehicle exports approached 607,600 vehicles, a drop of nearly 18 percent from the same period last year.
That number includes 356,800 passenger vehicles and 250,800 buses and trucks.
Vehicle exports are expected to remain weak as demand in China's main export markets remains weak. Car sales in Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, the Middle East and North Africa remain depressed amid sluggish economies due to low oil and commodity prices, political unrest and war.

Source:Automotive News China

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