Eight domestic brands in China aim to launch a total of 91 alternative energy models

As the twelfth “five-year” plan is coming to an end, domestic brands in China are busy with making plan for the following five years which mainly focus on developing models of alternative energy vehicles. Recently, eight famous domestic automakers in China took an interview, separately revealing their development strategies for the next “five-year” plan. They are Geely, Dongfeng, Chery, BAIC, SAIC, GAC, Changan, and FAW.
Changan will produce 34 models of alternative energy, accounting for 37.4% of the total production of new models, gaining it number one ranking in production. Only inferior to Changan, SAIC will also launch more than 30 models, taking up 33.0% of the total production.
And the second runner-up goes to FAW who will put into production 16 models, occupying 17.6% of the total production. In addition, FAW plans to launch six platforms for alternative energy vehicles by 2020 according to its strategic plan which will be implemented in three steps. Firstly, FAW aims to complete the development of key models in 2016; Then, FAM will achieve mass production and industrialization of new models in 2018; At last, the thirteenth “five-year” plan of developing alternative energy vehicles will be realized by 2020.
GAC will invest 2 billion yuan to launch six new models of alternative energy vehicles in the following five years, to replenish its alternative energy product line. They are electric small car, electric GA3S, electric GS4, plug-in hybrid GS4, plug-in hybrid GA6 and hybrid GA8.
Dongfeng aims to achieve total sales of two million units, including 800,000 alternative energy vehicles which account for 40%, the largest percentage compared with others.
Based on its thirteenth “five-year” plan, Chery will invest more than ten billion yuan on launching new models including five of alternative energy. It sets a goal to sell 700,000 units including 28.6% of alternative energy vehicles which totals 200,000.
The “five-year” plan of BAIC shows that the overall sales by 2020 are targeted at 2.5 million including 400,000 alternative energy vehicles which account for 16.0%. BAIC will invest five billion yuan to launch eight new models covering car segment, SUV segment and MPV segment till the end of 2016. And its products will range from small cars to executive cars.
As for Changan, it has set a goal similar to that of BAIC. In the following five years, Changan aims to sell a total of 2.47 million units with 400,000 alternative energy vehicles that takes up 16.2%.


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