Chinese Government to Grant 1.7 Billion rmb for Alternative Energy Passenger Vehicle Promotion

 In 2015, Beijing financial authority has implemented 16.96 billion rmb to harness air pollution.According to Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance, this capital city has already granted 450 million rmbsubsidies to accelerate the promotion of pure electrical passenger vehicles, benefiting around 15,700 alternative energy passenger vehicles in this city, and will grant 1.7 billion rmb to further promote the alternative energy vehicles in the following year.
This year, Beijing financial authority has provided vehicle purchase subsidies, 50% from central government and 50% from Beijing government, for alternative energy passenger vehicle buyers. Efforts made by these departments have guaranteed eligible buyers could get the full subsidy in a shorter time. By now, there are around 25,000 pure electrical vehicles in Beijing.
In the future, Beijing financial authoritywill take the lead in the amendment and improvement of Measures for the Management of Alternative Energy Passenger Vehicle Purchase Subsidy in Beijing and specify the standard and process to apply this subsidy. Government will increase related budget significantly in 2016, so as to guarantee the prompt implementation of subsidy policy for alternative energy passenger vehicle purchase.


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