Geely to fully depend on alternative energy vehicles

Geely intended to raise new energy vehicle sales to more than one million by 2020, accounting for more than 90% of the overall sales goal of that period, as the automaker had clarified that nearly all new products would be alternative energy vehicles and smart and connected vehicles, gradually dropping traditional petrol vehicles.
Based on two platforms named FE and PE, new pure EV would be developed along with petrol-electric hybrid and plug-in hybrid models.
An Conghui, CEO of the automaker declared that Geely establishing such a goal is not to compare it with other companies’, but fully based on its own condition.
However, other domestic automakers in China made relatively prudent sales goals for alternative energy vehicles, SAIC targeting 600,000 units, Changan Auto 400,000 units, Chery 200,000 units, GAC Trumpchi 100,000 units.


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