Domestic brands sales outnumbered by Joint-ventures in China as 1 to 5

The proportion of sales between domestic brands and joint-venture brands in 2015 stood as one to five in the overall sales of China’s first four top-seller automakers, SAIC, Dongfeng, FAW and Changan, who took up 51.30% of the gross car sales in the country last year with 12.65 million vehicles sold.
Domestic brands in the four manufactures had 2.11 million units sold while joint-venture brands’ sales reached 10.54 million units last year, nearly four times higher than domestic ones.
Concerning passenger vehicle sales last year, joint-venture brands earned almost all the top ten position in the ranking list, Shanghai Volkswagen topping the list with 1.81 million sales. The underprivileged domestic brands only guarded two position in the top ten, Changan ranking fifth and the Great Wall ranking ninth.
The four best-sales automakers’ sales last year read as 5.90 million of SAIC, 3.87 million of Dongfeng, 2.84 million of FAW, 2.78 million of Changan.


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