Ford deliveries rise 5% on crossover gains

Ford Motor Co.'s China sales increased 5 percent year on year to 114,788 vehicles in March, led by robust volume generated by crossovers and SUVs.
In March, sales of crossovers and SUVs at its two joint ventures surged 29 percent to 26,732 vehicles.
During the month, sales of Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ford's passenger vehicle joint venture, rose 12 percent from a year earlier to 84,292 vehicles.
But deliveries at Jiangling Motor Corp., the U.S. company's commercial vehicle partnership, dropped 8 percent to 28,997 vehicles.
Sales of imported Ford models also contracted 40 percent to 1,499 vehicles.
Through March, Ford's China deliveries rose 14 percent year on year to 314,454 vehicles.

Source:Automotive News China

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