China woos Indian tourists


China is the latest country to woo the high-spending Indian tourist, mounting a glittering presentation at a five-star hotel here to promote its high-growth areas - Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai provinces.

China's tourism sector, which is betting big on India this year, earmarked as the China-India Tourism Friendship Year, wants almost one million of the seven million Indians that travel abroad to visit China.

Presentations of short films on Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, regarded by the Chinese as the 'The Golden Yangtze River Delta', were also shown amidst enticing Chinese delicacies and music.

According to the Chinese delegates, the opening up of the tourism sector between the countries, the two Asian giants, will not only fuel tourism but also give tremendous impetus to bilateral trade.

Sino-Indian bilateral trade is likely to touch $50 billion by 2010, according to an estimate by industry body Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASSOCHAM).

For India's several small and medium enterprises, China has become the most preferred destination. Also, over 6,000 Indian students are currently pursuing higher degrees in the universities there. All these have given a major thrust in leveraging the tourism and hospitality potential between the countries.



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