Southwest China municipality invest 1bln to boost tourism at Three Gorges


The government of southwest China's Chongqing Municipality has announced an investment of one billion yuan to boost tourism at Three Gorges.

Most of the money will be used to build and renovate docks, roads and other infrastructure in sightseeing areas starting from the second half of this year, said Tan Xiwei, vice mayor of Chongqing.

The project is aimed for better incorporation of 11 sight spots along the Yangtze River and the Three Gorges, Tan added. Chongqing will draw a comprehensive marketing plan of the tourism at Three Gorges at the end of this month.

The Three Gorges Dam, 2,309 meters long and 185 meters high, was completed in May last year, raising water level in the reservoir to 156 meters and triggering visitor booms. The dam site received 1.18 million visitors in 2006, 27 percent up year on year, according to the Three Gorges Tourism Development Co. Ltd.

Launched in 1993, the Three Gorges Project has become China's largest industrial scenic spot with multiple functions of flood control, electricity generation, tourism and navigation, attracting more and more tourists.



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