Millions take to rails over holiday week


ABOUT 7.5 million passengers traveled by rail in the Yangtze Delta Region area during the 10-day holiday period that started on April 28 and ended yesterday, the Shanghai Railway Administration said yesterday.

The passenger flow was about the same as the number during the same period last year, mainly consisting of tourists and people heading back home for family reunions, railway officials said.

During the seven-day holiday peak starting from May 1, a total of 1,293 trains pulled into local railway stations, carrying 1.32 million passengers to Shanghai, according to the administration. The number increased by about 31 percent from the same period last year.

At the same time, nearly 490,000 passengers arrived in the city on 3,950 flights, an increase of 8.7 and 12.6 percent respectively from a year earlier.

Immigration police with Pudong International Airport, the city's major air terminus for international flights, said the flow of passengers going abroad increased noticeably from May 1 as the holiday season began. They also saw the number of travelers returning from overseas trips peak on Saturday.

About 330,000 passengers arrived in Shanghai from abroad and left the city from Pudong airport from May 1 to 6pm yesterday, an increase of more than 12 percent from the same period last year.



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