Olympic hotel price remains normal

   Date:2007/06/25     Source:
"The number of bedspace and accommodation capacity for Beijing hotels are sufficient to meet the demand for the upcoming Olympic Games. Recently, some hotels have adjusted the hotel price for the Olympic Games. The adjustment is still within the normal range."

The statement was made by Du Jiang, director of the Beijing Municipal Tourism Bureau. He made the remarks in response to some recent media reports that some hotels in Beijing have raised the accommodation price for the Olympic Games to ten times its current level.

This is the first time that a government official responded to media reports.

According to related information, it is estimated that about 290,000 units of bedspace might be needed one day at the maximum during the Olympic Games. The estimation was made by calculating the number of people who will come to see the Olympic sports events and the average number of tourists that will arrive in Beijing in every August.

Related information shows that at present, 25% of the tickets for the Olympic Games are sold abroad and 75% of the tickets are sold at home. Among the tickets sold within China, 70% are sold in Beijing.

At present, the star-rated hotels and hotels that are not rated can together provide 280,000 guest rooms, which will be sufficient to meet the accommodation demands during the Olympic Games, said Liu.

When responding to the media reports that some hotels have raised the accommodation price for the Olympic Games to ten times its current level, Liu said that for any host city, it is normal for them to raise the hotel price when the Games were held. In Beijing, some hotels have already signed agreements to become the Olympic partners. Apart from these hotels, the accommodation price for other hotels is to be regulated by the market. At present, reservation work is going on smoothly and the price of guestrooms reserved for the Olympic Games is still affordable to both parties.

However, if hotel price goes up too far, and if such price is beyond what visitors can afford, Beijing municipal government will take measures to control the situation, Liu added.
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