Qiagen opens regional office in Hong Kong

   Date:2007/08/03     Source:


German biotechnology company Qiagen N V, has opened an office in Hong Kong, after 10 years of working in the city with local partners and distributors. Qiagen established this new subsidiary in Hong Kong in response to the region's fast developing biomedical research community. Qiagen views Hong Kong as an important hub for life science and healthcare.

With this regional office, Qiagen expects to serve better its local and regional customers as well as developing stronger collaboration with Hong Kong's biotechnology community. Qiagen's Hong Kong office will also manage the distribution of products manufactured in Mainland China to various parts of the world.
"We are building a team and infrastructure to support scientists and physicians in local universities and hospitals to discover disease mechanisms and develop cures for them," said Dr Frauke Ehlert, General Manager of Qiagen China and Hong Kong.
"I am delighted to see that a global biotechnology company, such as Qiagen, has chosen Hong Kong to set up its regional office. Our location at the heart of Asia, free flow of information, excellent infrastructure and business-friendly environment are among the attributes that have attracted international enterprises to make Hong Kong their regional hub," said Acting Director-General of Investment Promotion at Invest Hong Kong, Mr Charles Ng.
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