Coal inventory drops at six major Chinese power supply companies

Date:2011-08-24xieshasha  Text Size:

Coal inventory has indicated a rapid decline at six major power supply companies in China, namely, Zhejiang Provincial Energy Group, Shanghai Electric Power Generation Group, Guangdong Yudean Jinghai Power Generation, China Guodian Group, China Huaneng Group, and China Datang Group. As of August 11, aggregate coal inventory at the companies in question showed a month-on-month decline of 1.31 million mt, falling to 11.23 million mt.

Meanwhile, the price of coal at the eastern Chinese port of Qinghuangdao has declined for six weeks in succession. As of August 12, at Qinghuangdao port the prices of Datong gifted mixed coal (6,000 kcal), Shanxi excellent mixed coal (5,500 kcal) and Shanxi common mixed coal (5,000 kcal) stood at RMB 875/mt ($137.15/mt), RMB 825/mt ($129.31/mt) and RMB 725/mt ($113.64/mt) respectively, down by RMB 5/mt ($0.78/mt), RMB 10/mt ($ 1.57/mt) and RMB 5/mt ($0.78/mt) as compared to last week's prices.

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