Agriculture Minister Han Changfu meets with FAO Director-General

Date:2011-08-31lixiang  Text Size:

Aug 25, 2011

 On 25 August 2011, Agriculture Minister Han Changfu met with FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf, and the two sides exchanged views on enhancing cooperation.

 Han highly commended the positive role of FAO in promoting global agricultural development and ensuring food security, and sound bilateral relations between FAO and the Chinese government. Han stated that China attached great importance to South-South cooperation, and engaged in providing assistance for other developing countries. The Chinese government has finalized the donation of 30 million USD to FAO trust fund as declared by Premier Wen Jiabao in 2009. The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) has set up a special implementation body, and allocated special funds to help carry out projects. So far, cooperation projects have been launched in more than 10 countries including Mongolia, the Republic of Sierra Leone and the Republic of Senegal. These projects achieved initial success, played an active role in agricultural development and food security in the recipient countries, and won their recognition.

 Han briefed Diouf about the latest development of China’s agricultural development. Han noted that since 2011, despite frequent natural disasters, the Chinese government has taken countermeasures, and mobilized forces on all fronts to ensure sound agricultural and rural development in the first half of this year. So far, summer grain crops have gained a bumper harvest, and winter wheat output has witnessed eight consecutive annual growths. Early rice has also earned a good harvest, and the market supply of agricultural products has been sufficient.

  Diouf highly appreciated Chinese government’s efforts in developing agriculture, realizing consecutive annual increases of grain production, and helping other developing countries. FAO would continue to enhance all-round cooperation with China to cope with challenges of global agricultural development and food security.

 Percy Misika, FAO Resident Representative in China, and MOA senior officials including Chen Mengshan, Chief Economist and Director-General of General Office, and Wang Ying, Director-General of the Department of International Cooperation, also attended the meeting. 

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