Uzbekistan to Build Gas Pipeline to China

   Date:2011-12-20     Source:puchangpingwangxin

The Commencement Ceremony of Uzbekistan section of Central Asian Gas Pipeline Line C was held at Gazli, 110 kilometers away from Bukhara, on Dec. 15, 2011. This is another milestone deepening energy cooperation between Uzbekistan and China.

Central Asian Gas Pipeline is China's first strategic onshore pipeline for introducing foreign natural gas resources. Line C will be placed in parallel with Line A and Line B that have been built and put into operation, to transport natural gas from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. It is of significant importance to Uzbekistan for its diversification of natural gas export.

Line C is 1,840 kilometers long in total, of which 529 kilometers falls within jurisdiction of Uzbekistan, giving it a designed gas transmission capacity of 25 billion cubic meters per year. As Trans-Asia Gas Pipeline Company Limited scheduled, Line C is expected to supply gas from January 2014, by when the entire pipeline will have an annual gas transmission capacity of above 55 billion cubic meters.

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