Central China (HKG:0832) Wins 2 Henan Lands at RMB96M


Central China Real Estate (HKG:0832) made successful bids for the land use rights of two parcels of land in Huaiyang County, Henan Province, the PRC through a bid auction organized and held by Huaiyang County Land and Resources Bureau. The aggregate purchase price for the Huaiyang Land acquisitions is RMB96 million.

The land parcels are located at the west of Xihuang Road, the south of Wucai Road and the east of Xinmin Road, Huaiyang County with an aggregate site area of 90,329 sqm. The company expects the total gross floor area could be 211,200 sqm with land cost of RMB455 per sqm.

The land parcels will be designated for construction of low rise, middle rise, high rise, retail units and car parks.


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