500 enterprises queue for listing


The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) recently revealed the stock issue checking workflow and enterprise applicants. According to the data already released by the Commission by Feb. 1, a total of 515 enterprises were queuing for listing, 295 of them wanting main and SMEs board, 220 for GEM board.

With a constantly falling A-share market, the 500-plus enterprises queuing is undoubtedly testing the market’s bearing capacity.

“Over 500 applicants are under checking, but this does not mean all of them will be listed this year,” Wang Hua, securities trader analyst, said to this correspondent. “If the stock market thrives, it is likely to issue 500 new shares. But in view of the existing market condition, it is lucky to issue 200. Having sufficient high-quality listing resource is a lifeline to the stock market. Only injecting new shares into the market can keep it alive.”

According to Dong Dengxin, large size of the queue translates into a wide choice for best qualified enterprises. And this is the future of the stock market.

Short panic is powerless against the trends

In fact, the long queue for listing against a background of market downturn and squeeze on funds will, to some extent, bring pressure on the market in the first half of this year. But in the long run, new governmental moves lead to enhanced transparency, open up possibilities for social supervision, thus helping to weed out low-performing enterprises and improve qualities of new shares. Therefore, the short panic is powerless against the inexorable march of the stock market.

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