Dismal Performance in January Bulldozer Market


According to China Construction Machinery Business Online, the bulldozer sales volume in January 2012 is 460 sets, declines by 66.64% year-on-year and 18.73% month-on-month, the worst performance since January 2010. The sales volume in domestic market is 226 sets, declining by 79.25% year-on-year. The export volume is 234 sets, declining by 19.31% year-on-year.

In terms of manufacturers, Shantui ranks the first, with the sales volume of 300 sets, declines by 68.29% year-on-year, accounting for 62.72% of the whole bulldozer market; Yishan ranks the second, the sales volume is 50 sets, declines by 56.90% year-on-year, having a market share of 10.87%; the third is SINOMACH Heavy Industry, the sales volume is 30 sets, declining by 38.78% year-on-year.

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