Environmental Regulations Putting into Effect as of April.1, 2012


Sector Regulations

Measures on Site Supervision and Inspection on Automatic Monitoring Facilities of Pollution Sources
The current measures is developed for the purpose of strengthening site supervision and inspection on automatic monitoring facilities of pollution sources, ensuring their normal operation and ensuring true, reliable and effective automatic monitoring data in accordance with laws and regulations such as Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution and Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution.

The current measures are applicable to site supervision and inspection on automatic monitoring facilities of pollution sources by competent environmental protection department at various levels.

The competent environmental protection department at various levels or entrusted institutions with the duty on site supervision and inspection (hereinafter referred to as supervision and inspection institutions) shall be specifically responsible for site supervision and inspection on automatic monitoring facilities of pollution sources.

The identification of the terms of reference of competent environmental protection department under province level for supervision as well as site supervision & inspection on automatic monitoring facilities of pollution sources shall be decided by competent environmental protection department at province level.


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