360buy, Vancl Apply for Nationwide Courier Service Licenses


Da Wa, deputy chairman and secretary general of the China Express Association, revealed recently that Beijing-based B2C e-commerce platform 360Buy and B2C clothing website Vancl have applied for licenses to operate courier services. Sources inside both companies confirmed that they had applied, saying that licenses to operate courier services on a nationwide scale would be beneficial to the growth of the companies' services nationwide.

Da predicted that 360Buy and Vancl would likely receive the licenses.

An industry source revealed that Rufengda Express (Vancl's delivery subsidiary) and 360Buy currently hold local licenses, rather than licenses to operate courier services on a national level, making it necessary for the companies to apply for nationwide licenses or face fines and sanctions.

Vancl said that a nationwide license would allow it to connect its local Rufengda services together. 360Buy said it had applied for a license of its own accord in response to changes in the environment.


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