Sany Int'l (HKG:0631): Sany HK raises stk to 72.46%


Sany Heavy Equipment International (HKG:0631) (Sany Int'l) announced that it was informed that during the period from 30 May 2012 to 4 June 2012, its controlling shareholder, Sany Hongkong Group Limited (Sany HK) had purchased on the market in aggregate 5.294 million shares of Sany Int'l. As a result, Sany HK currently holds approximately 72.46% of the issued share capital of Sany Int'l.

Sany HK will ensure that the level of public float of the shares of Sany Int'l fulfills the requirement under listing rules of having at least 25% of its total issued share capital held by the public.

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