Global and China Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Market Report, 2010-2012
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The global manufacturers of aluminum electrolytic capacitors are mainly distributed in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and mainland China. In 2010, Japan-based NCC, Nichicon and Rubycon ranked top three in the global aluminum electrolytic capacitor industry.
Sales and YoY Growth of Global Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, 2005-2012E (Unit: US$M) 
Source: China Electronic Components Association (CECA); ResearchInChina
The report not only studies the market size, competition pattern and import & export of global and China aluminum electrolytic capacitor industry, but also analyzes the operation of 15 major manufacturers around the world.
NCC is the world's largest manufacturer of aluminum electrolytic capacitors. In 2010, capacitors, mainly aluminum electrolytic capacitors, accounted for 88% of NCC’s operating revenue. In addition, NCC establishes KDK which specializes in the production of electrode foil both for its own use and other aluminum electrolytic capacitor manufacturers. NCC’s output of aluminum electrode foil ranks first in the world.
Nichicon is mainly engaged in the production of capacitors for consumer electronics. In fiscal year 2011, the net revenue of Nichicon registered JPY 10.59 billion, up 25% YoY. Nichicon founded production bases in Tianjin, Wuxi and Suzhou, mainly for the manufacturing of electrolytic capacitors. Moreover, Nichicon set up sales offices in Shenzhen and Shanghai, as well as an R & D center in Wuxi.
Lelon is an aluminum electrolytic capacitor producer with the highest operating revenue in Taiwan. In 2010, Lelon achieved operating revenue of NTD 4.33 billion, and its sales volume of aluminum electrolytic capacitors reached 148,000 in Taiwan and 5.208 million in other regions. Lelon founded several subsidiaries in mainland China which are committed to the production of electrolytic capacitors and formed foil.
Nantong Jianghai Capacitor ranks first in terms of sales revenue in the aluminum electrolytic capacitor industry in mainland China for 17 consecutive years. The company can produce 2 billion aluminum electrolytic capacitors per year, and has 20 production lines of high voltage formed foil. In 2011, Jianghai plans to expand the capacity of industrial capacitors to raise its percentage of sales revenue to 50%-60% from 42%.
Since electrode foil serves as the major raw material of aluminum electrolytic capacitor, the report also introduces the market size and competition concerning global and China electrode foil, and nine major electrode foil manufacturers as well.
Dongyangguang Aluminum has the most comprehensive aluminum deep processing industry chain in China. Besides producing electrode foil, the company also processes electrode foil materials for customers, with products mainly being exported to Japan. In H1 2011, the processing trade achieved the revenue of RMB 194 million, up 58% YoY. In 2011, the company plans to add 22 production lines of formed foil and its total capacity is estimated to reach 31.8 million square meters by the end of 2011.
The leading products of Xinjiang Joinworld are high purity aluminum, electronic aluminum foil, and electrode foil. In 2011, the capacity of Xinjiang Joinworld in high purity aluminum, electronic aluminum foil and electrode foil amounted to 33,000 tons, 20,000 tons and 4 million square meters respectively and it is expected to be expanded into 53,000 tons, 47,000 tons and 21 million square meters separately by the end of 2012.
1. Overview of Capacitor
1.1 Definition and Classification of Capacitor
1.2 Industry Chain of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor
1.3 Application of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor
2. Global Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Market
2.1 Market Scale
2.2 Competition
2.2.1 Industrial Transfer
2.2.2 Regional Competition
2.2.3 Market Shares of Major Enterprises
3. Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Market in China
3.1 Industry Status
3.2 Supply and Demand
3.3 Import and Export
3.3.1 Import
3.3.2 Export
3.3.3 Trade Deficit
4. Electrode Foil Industry
4.1 Overview
4.2 Global Electrode Foil Market
4.2.1 Market Scale
4.2.2 Competition
4.3 China Electrode Foil Market
4.3.1 Key Supply Enterprises
4.3.2 Consumption
5. Key Electrode Foil Manufacturers
5.1 JCC
5.2 KDK
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Dongguan KDK Aluminum Foil Manufacture Limited
5.3 Guangdong Dongyangguang Aluminum Co., Ltd
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.4 Xinjiang Joinworld Co., Ltd.
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.5 Jiangsu United Technology Co., Ltd.
5.6 Nantong South Light Electronic Material Co., Ltd.
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Operation
5.7 Inner Mongolia New Yangtze River Mining Investment Co., Ltd.
5.8 Guangxi Hezhou Guidong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
5.9 Capxon International Electronic Co., Ltd.
5.9.1 Profile
5.9.2 Operation
6. Key Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Manufacturers
6.1 NCC
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Business in China
6.2 Nichicon
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Business in China
6.3 Rubycon
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.4 Hitachi AIC
6.5 Sanyo
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 SANYO Electric (China) Co., Ltd.
6.6 ELAN
6.7 Panasonic
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Operation
6.7.3 Business in China
6.8 LELON Electronics Corporation
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 Operation
6.8.3 Lelon Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
6.8.4 Lelon Electronics (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.
6.9 Teapo Electronic Corp.
6.9.1 Profile
6.9.2 Operation
6.10 Nantong Jianghai Capacitor Co. Ltd.
6.10.1 Profile
6.10.2 Operation
6.10.3 Subsidiaries
6.10.4 Strategy
6.11 Hunan Aihua Group Co., Ltd.
6.11.1 Profile
6.11.2 Operation
6.11.3 Strategy
6.12 Changzhou Huawei Electronics Co., Ltd.
6.12.1 Profile
6.12.2 Operation
6.13 Man Yue International Holdings Limited
6.13.1 Profile
6.13.2 Operation
6.13.3 Samxon Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
6.13.4 Wuxi Man Yue Electronics Co., Ltd.
6.14 Yangzhou Shengda Group
6.14.1 Profile
6.14.2 Gaoyou Shengda Electronics Co. Ltd.
6.14.3 Yangzhou Hongyuan Electronics Co., Ltd.
6.15 Xiamen Xinda Electronics Co., Ltd.
Classification of Capacitors
Global Capacitor Market by Product Category
Diagram of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor
Industry Chain of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor
Global Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Market by Application
Sales Volume and YoY Growth Rate of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor in the World, 2005-2012E
Sales and YoY Growth Rate of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor in the World 2005-2012E
Regional Competition Structure of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Industry Worldwide
Market Shares of Key Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Enterprises Worldwide, 2010
Application Fields and Distribution of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
Sales of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor in China, 2004-2012E
China's Share in Global Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Market, 2004-2009
Output and Demanded of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor in China, 2004-2012E
Supply Gap of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor in China, 2004-2012E
Import Volume and YoY Growth of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor in China, 2006-2011
Import Value and YoY Growth of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor in China, 2006-2011
Export Volume and YoY Growth of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor in China, 2006-2011
Export Value and YoY Growth of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor in China, 2006-2011
Trade Deficit of China Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, 2003-2010
Import and Export Average Unit Price of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor in China, 2006-2011
Production Flow of Electrode Foil
Global Distribution of Mid-to-high-voltage Formed Foil by Output, 2010
Global Competition in Electrode Foil, 2010
Capacity of Key Electrode Foil Enterprises in China, 2011
Consumption of Electrode Foil in China, 2004-2012E
Branches of JCC Worldwide
Branches of JCC in China
Operating Revenue of Dongguan KDK, 2006-2009
Industry Chain of Dongyangguang Aluminum
Operating Revenue and Net Income of Dongyangguang Aluminum, 2008-2011
Product Structure of Dongyangguang Aluminum, H1 2011
Sales of Dongyangguang Aluminum by Product, 2009-2011
Sales of Dongyangguang Aluminum by Region, 2009-2011
Industry Chain of Xinjiang Joinworld
Operating Revenue and Net Income of Xinjiang Joinworld, 2007-2011
Sales of Xinjiang Joinworld by Product, 2008-2011
Capacity of Xinjiang Joinworld by Product, 2010-2013
Sales of Xinjiang Joinworld by Region, 2008-2011
Operating Revenue of United Technology, 2008-2010
Export Revenue of United Technology, 2008-2010
Subsidiaries of United Technology
Sales of Nantong South Light, 2008-2010
Operating Revenue of Guidong Electronic, 2008-2011
Revenue and Profit of Capxon, 2006-2010
Sales of Capxon by Product, 2008-2010
Subsidiaries of Capxon in the World
Net Sales and Net Income of NCC, FY2005-FY2011
Sales of NCC by Product, FY2008-FY2010
Product Structure of NCC, FY2010-FY2011
Capacitor Sales of NCC by Industry, FY2010-FY2011
Sales of NCC by Region, FY2010-FY2011
Branches of NCC in China
Net Revenue of Nichicon, FY2007-FY2011
Net Income of Nichicon, FY2007-FY2011
Sales of Nichicon by Product, FY2007-FY2011
Operations of Nichicon in Japan
Overseas Operations of Nichicon
Sales of Nichicon by Region, FY2007-FY2011
Branches of Nichicon in China
Profile of RUBYCON
Sales of Rubycon, 2005-2010
Branches of Rubycon in Japan
Branches of Rubycon Overseas
Hitachi AIC Outline
Sales of Hitachi AIC, 2009-2010
History of Hitachi AIC Inc.
Net Sales and Operating Income of Sanyo, FY2007-FY2011
Sales of Sanyo by Product, FY2011
Net Revenue and Proportion of Electronic Device of Sanyo, FY2009-FY2011
Operating Income and Proportion of Electronic Device of Sanyo, FY2009-FY2011
Sales of Sanyo by Region, FY2006-FY2010
Sanyo's Manufacturing Facilities in China
Operating Revenue of Sanyo Electronics (Suzhou), 2006-2009
Sales and Gross Profit of ELAN, 2009-2011
Sales of ELAN by Product, 2009-2011
Net Sales and Operating Income of Panasonic, FY 2007- FY 2012
Business Structure of Panasonic, FY2011
Net Revenue and Net Income of Components and Devices of Panasonic, FY2009-FY2012
Proportion of Components and Devices Business in the Total Revenue of Panasonic, FY2009-FY2012
Sales of Panasonic by Region, FY2010-FY2011
Overseas Sales of Panasonic, FY2007-FY2011
Sales of Panasonic in Asia and China, FY2007-FY2011
Profile of Panasonic Electronic Devices (Jiangmen) Co., Ltd
Operating Revenue of Panasonic Electronic Devices (Jiangmen) Co., Ltd., 2006-2009
Operating Revenue and Gross Profit of LELON, 2006-2011
Sale of LELON by Product, 2008-2010
Sales Volume of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor of LELON by Region, 2009-2010
Sales of LELON by Region, 2009-2010
Main Subsidiaries of LELON
Operating Revenue of Lelon Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., 2005-2009
Operating Revenue of Lelon Electronics (Huizhou) Co., Ltd., 2005-2009
Operating Revenue of Teapo, 2008-2011
Product Structure of Teapo, 2010
Sales of Teapo by Product, 2008-2010
Sales Volume of Teapo by Product, 2008-2010
Sales of Teapo by Region, 2008-2010
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Subsidiaries of Teapo
Operating Revenue and Net Income of Jianghai Co., Ltd., 2007-2011
Sales of Jianghai Co., Ltd. by Product, 2008-2010
Capacitor Sales of Jianghai Co., Ltd. by Product Category, 2008-2010
Market Share of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor of Jianghai Co., Ltd., 2008-2010
Gross Margin of Jianghai Co., Ltd. by Product, 2008-2010
Sales of Jianghai Co., Ltd. by Region, 2008-2010
Operation of Subsidiaries of Jianghai Co., Ltd., 2010
Projects under Construction by Jianghai Co., Ltd., 2010-2012
Management Structure of Aihua Group
Revenue of Aihua Group, 2009-2011E
Turnover and YoY Growth Rate of Tech Pro Technology, 2007-2011
Sales of Tech Pro Technology by Product, 2008-2010
Sales of Tech Pro Technology by Region, 2008-2010
Operating Revenue and Net Income of Man Yue, 2007-2010
Aluminum Foil Subsidiaries of Man Yue Group
Profile of Samxon Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
Operating Revenue of Samxon Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., 2006-2009
Profile of Wuxi Man Yue Electronics Co., Ltd.
Operating Revenue of Wuxi Man Yue Electronics Co., Ltd., 2007-2009
Profile of Yangzhou Shengda Group
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