Global and China Semiconductor Equipment Industry Report, 2011-2012
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In 2011, the CAPEX of semiconductor industry were about USD65.8 billion, up 14.3% compared with that in 2010, among which, the CAPEX on equipment stood at about USD44 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 8.0%. It’s estimated that, in 2012, the CAPEX on equipment will reach USD38.9 billion, among which, the expenditure on wafer fab equipment will be USD31.3 billion, a decrease compared with that in 2011. A main reason is that the CAPEX on wafer fab equipment in 2010 increased by 127.1% compared with that in 2009 and continued to grow by 13.3% in 2011, therefore, its drop in 2012 is normal.
In 2012, the semiconductor companies CAPEX over USD5 billion will still be Intel, Samsung Electronics and TSMC. Intel invested over USD5 billion to build Fab 42, the world’s first fab engaged in the mass production of 14nm node. In addition, it invested in D1X, a R&D fab for 14nm node process. Intel will continue to lead the semiconductor industry.
Samsung Electronics plans to spend USD13.4 billion, which is the highest CAPEX in the global semiconductor market. 40% of the CAPEX will be invested in DRAM and NAND memory, including the well-known NAND factory in Xi’an, China. About 50% of the CAPEX will be invested in System LSI, mainly including foundry and AP business. Apple A5 is its major foundry product, so will be A6. Both A5 and A6 are very similar to Samsung’s AP, so there is no risk of technology leakage for Apple to choose Samsung as its foundry. In order to get recognition from Apple, Samsung will produce A5 and A6 in the U.S.-based S1 factory, and will invest USD1 billion to expand the capacity of S1 factory.
The 28nm process of TSMC is the world’s most advanced semiconductor production technology except that of Intel, so its clients are willing to order in cash in advance and its orders have been arranged till the end of 2012. TSMC originally planned to invest USD6 billion in 2012, but recently, it announced that it would probably raise CAPEX to USD7 billion to ease the pressure on capacity.
The semiconductor equipment market is highly concentrated, and the share of the largest manufacturer in corresponding sector usually exceeds 50% or even 90%. For example, Applied Material’s market share reaches 93% in the CMP (chemical vapor deposition) sector, and its market share in the PVD (physical vapor deposition or sputtering) sector is 83%. Even the second largest manufacturer may not be able to survive long, so there have been frequent mergers and acquisitions in semiconductor equipment industry. In November 2010, Applied Materials finished the acquisition of Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates with USD4.9 billion, aiming to strengthen its competitiveness in the field of ion implantation.
At the end of 2011, Lam Research merges Novellus Systems with stock valued about USD3.3 billion. Lam Research occupies 55% of the Etch market, while Novellus holds 80% of the ECD market. The two companies merged to provide customers with a more integrated product line. In April 2011, Japan’s Advantest purchased Singapore’s Verigy, greatly expanding its capability of SoC testing. In October 2011, Teradyne entered wireless product testing market through acquiring LitePoint.
Global Top 15 Semiconductor Equipment Vendors by Revenue, 2008-2011 (Unit: US$M)

1. Global Semiconductor Industry
1.1 DRAM Industry
1.1.1 Current Status of DRAM Industry
1.1.2 Market Share of DRAM Vendors
1.1.3 Market Share of Mobile DRAM Vendors
1.2 NAND Flash
1.3 IC Fabrication and Wafer Foundry
1.4 Overview of IC Packaging and Testing Industry
1.5 Chinese IC Market
1.6 Chinese Wafer Foundry Industry
2. Semiconductor Equipment Industry
2.1 Semiconductor Equipment Market
2.2 Etch Equipment Industry
2.3 Film Deposition Equipment Industry
2.4 Lithography Equipment Industry
2.5 Semiconductor Process Control Equipment
2.6 Compound Semiconductor Equipment Market
2.6.1 Aixtron
2.6.2 Veeco
2.7 Wire Bonder Equipment Market
2.8 Ranking of Semiconductor Equipment Vendors
3. Major Semiconductor Equipment Vendors
3.1 Applied Materials
3.2 ASML
3.3 Tokyo Electron
3.4 KLA-Tencor
3.5 Lam Research
3.6 Dainippon Screen
3.7 Nikon Precision
3.8 Advantest
3.9 Hitachi High-Technologies
3.10 ASM International N.V.
3.11 Teradyne
3.12 Hitachi Kokusai Electric
3.13 Kulicke & Soffa
4. Major Semiconductor Companies
4.1 TSMC
4.2 Samsung Electronics
4.3 Intel
CAPEX of DRAM Industry, 2000-2012
Global Shipment of DRAM, 2000-2013
Change in DRAM Contract Price, Oct. 2009-Jan. 2012
Revenue of Global DRAM Vendors, Q1 2005-Q4 2012
Global Shipment of DRAM Wafer, Q1 2010-Q4 2012
Demand for RAM, 2001-2013E
Revenue and Ranking by Market Share of DRAM Brands, Q3-Q4 2011
Market Share of Major Mobile DRAM Vendors, 2009-2011
Ranking by Revenue and Market Share of NAND Flash Makers, 2011
Global 12-inch Wafer Capacity, 2011
Ranking of Global Top 25 Semiconductor Companies by Sales, 2011
Capacity of Global 12-inch Wafer Plants by Region, 1999-2012
Ranking of Global Wafer Foundries by Sales, 2005-2011
Ranking of Global Top 20 MEMS Wafer Foundries, 2011
Market Share of Global OSAT Manufacturers, 2011
Revenue of Taiwanese IC Packaging and Testing Industry, 2007-2011
Revenue of Global Semiconductor Packaging Material Manufacturers, 2010-2013
China IC Market Size, 2007-2011
China IC Market Distribution by Product, 2011
China IC Market Distribution by Application, 2011
China IC Market Distribution by Manufacturer, 2011
Sales of Wafer Foundries in China, 2011
Revenue and Operating Margin of SMIC, Q1 2009-Q4 2011
Revenue and Gross Margin of SMIC, Q1 2009-Q4 2011
Revenue of SMIC by Application, Q1 2009-Q4 2011
Revenue of SMIC by Region, Q1 2009-Q4 2011
Revenue of SMIC by Node, Q1 2009-Q4 2011
Shipment and Capacity Utilization of SMIC, Q1 2009-Q4 2011
Capacity of SMIC by Factory, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
Distribution of SMIC Factories
Main Clients of SMIC
Global Wafer Equipment Investment, 2007-2016
CAPEX of Global Semiconductor Companies, 2011-2016
Global CAPEX on WLP Packaging Equipment, 2011-2016
Global CAPEX on Die Packaging Equipment, 2011-2016
Global CAPEX on Automated Test Equipment, 2011-2016
CAPEX of Global Top10 Semiconductor Vendors, 2011-2012
Fab CAPEX by Product, Q4 2011-Q4 2012
Global Loaded Wafer Capacity by Product, Q1 2010-Q4 2013
Global Wafer Equipment CAPEX by Region, 2010-2012
Global Semiconductor Material Market by Region, 2010-2013
Global Semiconductor Back-end Equipment CAPEX by Region, 2010-2012
Market Share of Major Etch Equipment Vendors, 2000\2005\2010
Market Share of Global CVD, PVD, ECD, CMP Manufacturers, 2000\2005\2010
Market Share of Global Lithography Equipment Manufacturers, 1992-2011
Semiconductor Process Control Equipment Market Growth, 1995-2012
Market Share of Major MOCVD Manufacturers, 1999-2010
Global New MOCVD Orders, Q1 1998-Q4 2011
MOCVD Market Scale, 2009-2013
Global Distribution of Aixtron
Revenue and EBIT of Aixtron, 2003-2011
Revenue of Aixtron by Application, 1999-2011
New Orders of Aixtron, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
Order Backlog of Aixtron, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
Revenue of Aixtron by Region, 2011
Revenue and Operating Margin of Veeco, 2004-2012
MOCVD Applications of Veeco, 2010-2011
Global Wire Bonder Market Size and Market Share of Major Vendors, 2008-2010
Market Share of Major Global Automated Wire Bonder Vendors, Q1 2010-Q3 2011
Proportion of Copper Wire in Global Ball Bonder Market, 2011-2016
Revenue of OSAT Manufacturers, 2014-2015
Global Semiconductor Packaging by Node, 2005-2016
Ranking of Global Top 15 Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturers by Revenue, 2006-2011
Sales, Gross Margin and Operating Margin of AMAT, 2007-2011
New and Backlog Orders of AMAT, 2007-2011
New Orders and Operating Margin of AMAT, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
Sales and Operating Margin of AMAT, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
New Orders of AMAT by Region, 2009-2011
New Orders of AMAT by Division, 2009-2011
Backlog Orders of AMAT by Division, 2010-2011
Sales of AMAT by Region, 2009-2011
Sales of AMAT by Division, 2009-2011
New Orders of AMAT Semiconductor Equipment Division by Business, 2009-2011
Sales and Gross Margin of ASML, 2007-2011
Sales of ASML, Q1 2006-Q4 2011
Sales and Operating Margin of ASML, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
Sales Volume and ASP of ASML by Quarter, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
Sales and Backlog Orders of ASML by Quarter, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
Backlog Order Value of ASML by Region, 2010-2011
Backlog Orders Value of ASML by Application, 2010-2011
Backlog Order Value of ASML by Technology, 2010-2011
Roadmap of ASML
Sales and Operating Margin of TEL, FY2005-FY2012
Global Distribution of TEL
Semiconductor Equipment Sales of TEL, FY2006-FY2012
Sales of TEL by Region, FY2006-FY2011
New Orders of TEL, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
Semiconductor Equipment of TEL by Application, Q4 2005-Q4 2011
Semiconductor Equipment Revenue and Operating Margin of TEL, Q3 FY2011-Q3 FY2012
Semiconductor Equipment Revenue of TEL by Region, Q3 FY2011-Q3 FY2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of KLA-Tencor, FY2007-FY2012
Revenue of KLA-Tencor by Business, FY2009-H1 FY2012
Revenue of KLA-Tencor by Application, 2010-2011
Revenue of KLA-Tencor by Region, FY2009-H1 FY2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of Lam Research, 2007-2012
Revenue and Net Income of Novellus, 2007-2011
Sales and Gross Profit of Novellus, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
New Orders and QoQ Growth of Novellus, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
Revenue of Novellus by Region, 2009-2011
Revenue of Lam Research by Application, Q4 2011
Revenue of Lam Research by Region, FY2009-H1 FY2012
Backlog Orders of Lam Research, 2009-2011
Organization Structure of Dainippon Screen Mfg
Revenue and Operating Margin of Dainippon Screen, FY2007-FY2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of Dainippon Screen by Division, Q4 FY2009-Q3 FY2012
New and Backlog Orders of Dainippon Screen, Q4 FY2009-Q3 FY2012
Semiconductor Division of Dainippon Screen by Application, Q4 FY2009-Q3 FY2012
Semiconductor Equipment Sales of Dainippon Screen, FY2007-FY2012
Semiconductor Equipment Sales and Operating Margin of Dainippon Screen, Q2 2010-Q4 2011
Semiconductor Equipment Sales of Dainippon Screen by Region, FY2011-FY2012
Sales and Operating Margin of Nikon Precision, 2006-2012
Shipment of Nikon Precision by Type, 2009-2012
Gross Margin and Operating Income of Advantest, Q1 FY2011-Q3 FY2012
New Orders of Advantest by Division, Q1 FY2011-Q3 FY2012
New Orders of Advantest by Region, Q1 FY2011-Q3 FY2012
Sales of Advantest by Division, Q1 FY2011-Q3 FY2012
Sales of Advantest by Region, Q1 FY2011-Q3 FY2012
Sales of Advantest Semiconductor Testing Division by Application, 2000-2011
Global Distribution of Advantest
Revenue and Operating Margin of Hitachi High-Technologies, FY2007-FY2012
Revenue of Hitachi High-Technologies by Division, FY2011-FY2012
Operating Income of Hitachi High-Technologies by Division, FY2011-FY2012
Sales and Operating Margin of ASM, 2006-2011
Sales of ASM by Business, 2006-2011
Front-end Business Sales of ASM by Region, 2011
Back-end Business Sales of ASM by Region, 2011
Revenue and Operating Margin of Teradyne, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
New Orders for SOC Products of Teradyne, Q1 2005-Q4 2011
Sales and Backlog Orders of Teradyne by Region, Q4 2011
Sales and Operating Margin of Hitachi Kokusai Electric, 2007-2012
Revenue of Hitachi Kokusai Electric by Business, FY2008-FY2012
Operating Income of Hitachi Kokusai Electric by Business, FY2008-FY2011
Revenue and Operating Margin of Kulicke & Soffa, 2007-2011
Top10 Clients of Kulicke & Soffa, FY2009-FY2011
Global Distribution of Kulicke & Soffa
Revenue and Operating Margin of Kulicke & Soffa, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
Organization Structure of TSMC
Revenue and Operating Margin of TSMC, 2004-2011
Shipment and Capacity Utilization of TSMC, 2004-2011
Revenue and Operating Margin of TSMC by Quarter, Q1 2009-Q4 2011
TSMC Shipment and Operating Margin of TSMC by Quarter, Q1 2009-Q4 2011
TSMC Products by Application, 2005-Q4 2011
TSMC Revenue by Node, Q3 2008-Q4 2011
TSMC Capacity by Factory, 2008-2011
Samsung System LSI Revenue by Business, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Samsung System LSI Revenue and Operating Margin, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Samsung NAND RAM Revenue and Operating Margin, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Samsung DRAM RAM Revenue and Operating Margin, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Revenue and Gross Margin of Intel, 2004-2011
Revenue and Operating Margin of Intel, 2004-2011
Revenue and Net Income Margin of Intel, 2004-2011
Intel Revenue by Region, 2006-Q4 2011
Intel Revenue by Product, 2006-2008
Intel Revenue by Product, 2008-2010
Intel CPU Technology Roadmap
Intel Bases Worldwide
Intel Wafer Fab List
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