China Computer Software Industry Report, 2014-2017
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In 2013, China’s software industry characterized the followings:
1. Software industry still maintained rapid development and some business segments stood out in terms of growth rate.
In 2013, China’s software industry reported the revenue of RMB 3.1 trillion, jumping by 24.6% year on year, higher than global average of 5.7%. With respect to segments, software products, system integration & support services and data processing & operating services made up a large proportion of software business revenue, standing at 32.1%, 20.7% and 17.4% in 2013, respectively. In view of revenue growth rate, information technology consulting services and data processing & operating services kept growing fast in 2010-2013, with a CAGR of 39.2% and 35.3% separately. As the application of big data in all sectors accelerates, it is expected that data processing & operating services will take the lead in revenue growth.

2. Over 75% of revenue of software industry came from the Eastern region, while the revenue from the Northeastern and Western regions grew relatively fast.
In 2013, revenue of software business from the Eastern region accounted for 75.0% of the total, down 3.5 percentage points over 2009. During 2009-2013, the software industry witnessed relatively rapid growth in Northeastern and Western regions, with their CAGR reaching 43.2% and 42.6%, respectively, and revenue proportion trending up. In 2013, revenue from these two regions constituted 10.3% and 10.5% of the total, respectively.
3. Domestic and foreign companies accelerated their presence in cloud computing-related businesses.
In 2013, global giants Oracle and SAP stepped up their efforts to promote cloud computing-related businesses, while IBM, Microsoft and Amazon launched their cloud computing businesses in China. At the same time, Chinese IT giants Huawei, Lenovo and Internet giants Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent and Qihoo 360 all entered cloud market. Moreover, traditional software vendors also quickened their transformation to cloud service provider. For example, Yonyou positioned itself as a provider of software, cloud service and value-added services.
4. Technological innovations like SMAC will change business model of companies, thus creating new growth engines for software industry.
In 2013, Technologies like (SMAC: social, mobile, analytic and cloud) began to change all walks of life (such as traditional retailing, banking, manufacturing, logistics and services) in the way of “being transboundary”, “integration” and “platform”. Spurred by new technologies, enterprise information system unveils the crucial stage to reconstruct computing platform and upgrade informatization mode, creating new growth points for software industry. Software companies scaled up their efforts to develop SMAC-related products and services. Take Neusoft Group for example, cloud platform SaCa developed by the company provides a series of sub-products to meet demands of mobile Internet, Internet of Things, social network, situational awareness, big data and cloud computing in B2B2C/G2B2C mode.
China Computer Software Industry Report, 2014-2017 by ResearchInChina highlights:
Operation of software industry in China (including software industry, segments, revenue from regional markets, software export, software outsourcing, competition pattern)
Cloud computing, big data and software industry (including definition, classification, market size, impact of cloud computing on software industry; definition, constitution, market size and impact of big data on software industry)
Operation of enterprise software and application software (including overall market size of application software, market status, market size and development trend of enterprise management software and industry application software; enterprise mobile application)
Operation of HPC software industry (including application of HPC, application software market of HPC, key companies in HPC industry)
Operation of key enterprise management software and application software companies (including profile, operating performance, revenue structure, gross margin, latest products and development strategy)
1. Basic Concepts of Computer Software Industry
1.1 Definition of Computer Software
1.2 Category of Computer Software
1.3 Classification of Computer Software Industry
2. Development of China Software Industry
2.1 Policy Environment for China Computer Software Industry
2.1.1 Core Electronic Devices, High-end General Chips and Infrastructure Software Products
2.1.2 Electronic Information Industry Restructuring and Revitalization Plan
2.1.3 IT-related Policies and Regulations
2.1.4 Twelfth Five-Year Plan for Information Service Industry
2.1.5 The Several Policies on Further Encouraging the Development of the Software and Integrated Circuit Industries (also known as “the New Document 18”)
2.1.6 Circular on Taxation Policies for Further Encouraging the Development of the Software and Integrate Circuit Industries
2.1.7 China's 12th Five-Year Plan for Strategic Emerging Industries
2.1.8 Policies on Foreign Funds' Access to Software Industry
2.2 Electronic Information Industry
2.3 Revenue and Exports of Software Industry
2.3.1 Overall Market Revenue
2.3.2 Regional Market Revenue
2.3.3 Exports
2.4 Software Industry Business Segment
2.4.1 Software Products
2.4.2 System Integration and Support Services
2.4.3 Data Processing and Operation Services
2.4.4 Embedded System Software
2.4.5 IT Consulting Services
2.4.6 IC Design
2.5 Software Outsourcing
2.5.1 Relevant Concepts
2.5.2 Software Outsourcing Market
2.5.3 Software Outsourcing Exports
2.6 Competition Pattern
3. Cloud Computing, Big Data and Software Industry
3.1 Definition, Classification and Market Size of Cloud Computing
3.1.1 Definition
3.1.2 Classification
3.1.3 Market Size
3.2 Impact of Cloud Computing on Software Industry
3.2.1 IT Demand of Chinese Enterprises Will Enter the Era of Cloud Computing
3.2.2 Cloud Computing Changes the Business Model of Traditional Software Enterprises
3.2.3 Cloud Computing Opens New Markets for Software Companies
3.2.4 Cloud Computing Can Help Reduce Marginal Costs of Software Companies
3.3 Big Data
3.3.1 Definition and Constitution
3.3.2 Market Size
3.3.3 Relationship between Big Data and Cloud Computing
3.4 Impact of Big Data on Software Industry
3.4.1 Application of Big Data Will Stimulate the Development of Hardware and Basic Software
3.4.2 Big Data Will Bring New Growth Points to Information Industry
4. Overview of Enterprise Software in China
4.1 Definition and Classification
4.1.1 Definition
4.1.2 Classification
4.2 Market Status
4.3 Latest Trend
4.3.1 Technology-driven Business Transformation
4.3.2 Mobile Internet Reshapes Industrial Pattern
4.3.3 Technology-driven Enterprise Information Revolution
4.4 Prospects
5. Application Software Industry in China
5.1 Application Software Industry
5.1.1 Overview
5.1.2 Market Size
5.2 Enterprise Management Software Market
5.2.1 Market Status
5.2.2 Trends
5.2.3 Market Size
5.3 Industry Application Software Market
5.3.1 Market Profile
5.3.2 Market Size
5.3.3 Major Market Segments
5.4 Enterprise-level Mobile Application Market
5.4.1 Market Size
5.4.2 Enterprise-level Mobile Security Market
6. HPC Software Industry
6.1 HPC Applications
6.2 Overview of HPC Application Software
6.2.1 CAE Field
6.2.2 CFD Field
6.2.3 Cloud Computing and Internet Field
6.3 Key Companies
6.3.1 ANSYS
6.3.2 MSC (Nastran, Marc)
6.3.3 Dassault Systèmes
6.3.4 Aliyun
6.3.5 Qcloud
7. Major Chinese Companies in Enterprise Management Software Industry
7.1 Yonyou Software
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Business Performance
7.1.3 Revenue Structure
7.1.4 Gross Margin
7.1.5 Latest Products
7.1.6 Development Strategy
7.2 Kingdee
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Business Performance
7.2.3 Revenue Structure and Gross Margin
7.2.4 Latest Products
7.2.5 Development Strategy
7.3 Inspur Software
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Business Performance
7.3.3 Revenue Structure
7.3.4 Gross Margin
7.3.5 Latest Products
7.3.6 Development Strategy
7.4 Join-Cheer Software
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Business Performance
7.4.3 Revenue Structure
7.4.4 Gross Margin
7.4.5 Latest Product
7.4.6 Development Strategy
7.5 Others
7.5.1 DCMS
7.5.2 eAbax
7.5.3 NewGrand
8. Key Industry Application Software Enterprises
8.1 Huawei Investment & Holding
8.1.1 Profile
8.1.2 Business Performance
8.1.3 Revenue Structure
8.1.4 Software Business
8.1.5 Latest Products
8.1.6 Development Strategy
8.2 Inspur Group
8.2.1 Profile
8.2.2 Business Performance
8.2.3 Latest Products
8.2.4 Development Strategy
8.3 Neusoft Corporation
8.3.1 Profile
8.3.2 Business Performance
8.3.3 Revenue Structure
8.3.4 Gross Margin
8.3.5 Latest Products
8.3.6 Recent News
8.4 Aisino Corporation
8.4.1 Profile
8.4.2 Business Performance
8.4.3 Revenue Structure
8.4.4 Gross Margin
8.4.5 Latest Products
8.4.6 Development Strategy
8.5 Teamsun
8.5.1 Profile
8.5.2 Business Performance
8.5.3 Revenue Structure
8.5.4 Gross Margin
8.5.5 Development Strategy
8.6 Hundsun Technologies
8.6.1 Profile
8.6.2 Business Performance
8.6.3 Revenue Structure
8.6.4 Gross Margin
8.6.5 Hundsun Group
8.6.6 Latest Products
8.6.7 Development Strategy
8.7 Insigma Technology
8.7.1 Profile
8.7.2 Business Performance
8.7.3 Revenue Structure
8.7.4 Gross Margin
8.7.5 New Products
8.7.6 Development Strategy
8.8 DHC Software
8.8.1 Profile
8.8.2 Business Performance
8.8.3 Revenue Structure
8.8.4 Gross Margin
8.8.5 New Products
8.8.6 Development Strategy
8.9 Baosight Software
8.9.1 Profile
8.9.2 Business Performance
8.9.3 Revenue Structure
8.9.4 Gross Margin
8.9.5 Recent News
8.9.6 Development Strategy
8.10 CS&S
8.10.1 Profile
8.10.2 Business Performance
8.10.3 Revenue Structure
8.10.4 Gross Margin
8.10.5 Latest Products
8.10.6 Development Strategy
9. Summary and Forecast
9.1 Software Industry Business Segments
9.2 Business Operations
9.2.1 Revenue
9.2.2 Net Income
9.2.3 Gross Margin & Net Profit Margin
Classification of Software Industry (according to GICS)
Classification of Computer Software Industry in China
Revenue and YoY Growth of Electronic Information Industry in China, 2008-2013
Percentage of Revenue from China’s Software Industry in Electronic Information Industry, 2008-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Software Industry in China, 2008-2017E
Revenue Structure of Software Industry in China by Business, 2008-2013
Revenue of Software Industry in China by Region, 2011-2013
Revenue of Software Industry in China by Province/City, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Software Industry in China by Province/City, 2008-2013
Export Value and YoY Growth of Software Industry in China, 2008-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Software Products of China Software Industry, 2008-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of System Integration & Support Services of China Software Industry, 2009-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Data Processing & Operation Services of China Software Industry, 2010-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Embedded System Software of China Software Industry, 2008-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of IT Consulting Service of China Software Industry, 2010-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of IC Design Business of China Software Industry, 2008-2013
China’s Service Outsourcing Contract Amount and YoY Growth, 2009-2013
Amount of International Service Outsourcing Contracts Undertaken by ITO/BPO/KPO in China, 2013
Top 10 Software Outsourcing Enterprises in China, 2013
China’s Software Outsourcing Exports and YoY Growth, 2008-2013
China’s Top 25 Enterprises by Software Revenue and Their Market Share, 2012-2014
Business / Profit Models for Cloud Computing: IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
Classification of Cloud Computing by Operating Mode
Major Global and Chinese Cloud Service Providers (by Level)
Global Cloud Computing Market Size and YoY Growth 2011-2017E
Scale of Global Cloud Computing Market Segments, 2011-2017E
China’s Cloud Computing Market Size and YoY Growth, 2011-2017E
Scale of China’s Cloud Computing Market Segments, 2011-2017E
Business Model Comparison between Traditional Software Companies and Cloud Computing Service Providers
Constitution of Big Data
Domestic and Foreign Companies with Transaction Data and Interactive Data Assets
China’s Big Data Application Market Size and YoY Growth, 2011-2017E
Market Size and YoY Growth of Application Software Products in China, 2008-2017E
Market Size of China Application Software Industry Segments, 2008-2017E
Market Share of China Application Software Industry Segments, 2008-2017E
Market Size of Enterprise Management Software Products in China, 2008-2017E
Market Size of Industry Application Software Products in China, 2008-2017E
Market Size and YoY Growth of Communication Software Products in China, 2008-2013
Market Size and YoY Growth of Industrial Control Software Products in China, 2008-2013
Market Size and YoY Growth of Energy Software Products in China, 2008-2013
Market Size and YoY Growth of Transportation Application Software Products in China, 2008-2013
Top 10 HPC in China, 2013
Market Shares of HPC Vendors in China, 2012-2014
Applications of Top 100 HPC in China, 2013
HPC Software Application in CAE Field
HPC Software Application in CFD Field
Brief Introduction to Three Service Models of Cloud Computing
Revenue and Net Income of Ansys, 2009-2013
Revenue Structure of Ansys by Business, 2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Yonyou Software, 2008-2013
Net Income and YoY Growth of Yonyou Software, 2008-2013
Net Profit Margin of Yonyou Software, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Yonyou Software by Business, 2008-2013
Market Share and Ranking of Yonyou Software’s Revenue from Software Business, 2008-2014
Gross Margin of Yonyou Software by Business, 2008-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Yonyou Software, 2014-2017E
Revenue and YoY Growth of Kingdee, 2008-2013
Net Income and YoY Growth of Kingdee, 2008-2013
Net Profit Margin of Kingdee, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Kingdee by Business, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Kingdee by Product, 2012-2013
Revenue Structure of Kingdee by Sales Channel, 2012-2013
Gross Margin of Kingdee, 2008-2013
Latest Products of Kingdee, 2013-2014
Kingdee’s Revenue from Cloud Management and Growth Rate, 2013
Kingdee’s Strategies
Revenue and YoY Growth of Kingdee, 2014-2017E
Revenue and YoY Growth of Inspur Software, 2008-2013
Net Income and YoY Growth of Inspur Software, 2008-2013
Net Profit Margin of Inspur Software, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Inspur Software by Region, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of Inspur Software by Region, 2008-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Inspur Software, 2014-2017E
Revenue and YoY Growth of Join-Cheer Software, 2008-2013
Net Income and YoY Growth of Join-Cheer Software, 2008-2013
Net Profit Margin of Join-Cheer Software, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Join-Cheer Software by Business, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of Join-Cheer Software by Business, 2008-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Join-Cheer Software, 2014-2017E
Subsidiaries and Main Business of Huawei, 2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Huawei, 2008-2013
Net Income and YoY Growth of Huawei, 2008-2013
Net Profit Margin of Huawei, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Huawei by Business, 2010-2013
Revenue Structure of Huawei by Region, 2011-2013
Software Revenue and YoY Growth of Huawei, 2008-2014
Market Share and Ranking of Huawei’s Software Revenue, 2008-2014
Revenue and YoY Growth of Huawei, 2014-2017E
Revenue and YoY Growth of Inspur Group, 2008-2013
Software Revenue and YoY Growth of Inspur Group, 2008-2014
Market Share and Ranking of Inspur Group's Software Revenue, 2008-2014
Revenue and YoY Growth of Inspur Group, 2014-2017E
Revenue and YoY Growth of Neusoft Corporation, 2008-2013
Net Income and YoY Growth of Neusoft Corporation, 2008-2013
Net Profit Margin of Neusoft Corporation, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Neusoft Corporation by Business, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Neusoft Corporation by Region, 2008-2013
Market Share and Ranking of Neusoft’s Software Revenue, 2008-2014
Gross Margin of Neusoft Corporation by Business, 2008-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Neusoft Corporation, 2014-2017E
Revenue and YoY Growth of Aisino Corporation, 2008-2013
Net Income and YoY Growth of Aisino Corporation, 2008-2013
Net Profit Margin of Aisino Corporation, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Aisino Corporation by Business, 2008-2013
Software Revenue and YoY Growth of Aisino Corporation, 2009-2014
Market Share and Ranking of Aisino’s Software Revenue, 2009-2014
Gross Margin of Aisino Corporation by Business, 2008-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Aisino Corporation, 2014-2017E
Revenue and YoY Growth of Teamsun, 2008-2013
Net Income and YoY Growth of Teamsun, 2008-2013
Net Profit Margin of Teamsun, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Teamsun by Business, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Teamsun by Region, 2008-2013
Market Share and Ranking of Teamsun’s Software Revenue, 2008-2014
Gross Margin of Teamsun by Business, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of Teamsun by Region, 2008-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Teamsun, 2013-2017E
Revenue and YoY Growth of Hundsun Technologies, 2008-2013
Net Income and YoY Growth of Hundsun Technologies, 2008-2013
Net Profit Margin of Hundsun Technologies, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Hundsun Technologies by Business, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Hundsun Technologies by Region, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of Hundsun Technologies by Business, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of Hundsun Technologies by Region, 2008-2013
Software Revenue and YoY Growth of Hundsun Group, 2008-2014
Market Share and Ranking of Hundsun Group’s Software Revenue, 2008-2014
Revenue and YoY Growth of Hundsun Technologies, 2014-2017E
Revenue and YoY Growth of Insigma Technology, 2008-2013
Net Income and YoY Growth of Insigma Technology, 2008-2013
Net Profit Margin of Insigma Technology, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Insigma Technology by Business, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Insigma Technology by Region, 2008-2013
Market Share and Ranking of Insigma Technology’s Software Revenue, 2008-2014
Gross Margin of Insigma Technology by Business, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of Insigma Technology by Region, 2009-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Insigma Technology, 2013-2017E
Revenue and YoY Growth of DHC Software, 2008-2013
Net Income and YoY Growth of DHC Software, 2008-2013
Net Profit Margin of DHC Software, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of DHC Software by Business, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of DHC Software by Region, 2008-2013
Market Share and Ranking of DHC Software’s Software Revenue, 2008-2014
Gross Margin of DHC Software by Business, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of DHC Software by Region, 2008-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of DHC Software, 2013-2017E
Revenue and YoY Growth of Baosight Software, 2008-2013
Net Income and YoY Growth of Baosight Software, 2008-2013
Net Profit Margin of Baosight Software, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Baosight Software by Business, 2008-2013
Market Share and Ranking of Baosight Software’s Software Revenue, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of Baosight Software by Business, 2008-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of Baosight Software, 2014-2017E
Revenue and YoY Growth of CS&S, 2008-2013
Net Income and YoY Growth of CS&S, 2008-2013
Net Profit Margin of CS&S, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of CS&S by Business, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of CS&S by Region, 2008-2013
Market Share and Ranking of CS&S’ Software Revenue, 2008-2014
Gross Margin of CS&S by Business, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of CS&S by Region, 2008-2013
Revenue and YoY Growth of CS&S, 2014-2017E
Comparison: Revenue Structure of China Software Industry by Segment, 2008-2013
Comparison: Growth in Revenue of China Software Industry by Segment, 2009-2013
Comparison: Revenue of Listed Software Enterprises in China, 2008-2013
Comparison: Revenue Growth of Listed Software Enterprises in China, 2009-2013
Comparison: Revenue of Listed Software Enterprises in China, 2013-2017E
Comparison: Revenue Growth of Listed Software Enterprises in China, 2013-2017E
Comparison: Net Income of Listed Software Enterprises in China, 2008-2013
Comparison: Net Income Growth of Listed Software Enterprises in China, 2008-2013
Comparison: Gross Margin of Listed Software Enterprises in China, 2008-2013
Comparison: Net Profit Margin of Listed Software Enterprises in China, 2008-2013
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