China Heparin Industry Report, 2015-2018
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As the world's largest heparin API producer and exporter, China seizes about 80% share of the global heparin API market. After the explosive growth in 2008-2010, the stagnant international market and the improved standards for heparin export pulled down the export volume of China's heparin API during 2011-2013. From 2014 onwards, China has seen the export of heparin and its salts warm up. From January to October of 2015, China exported 123.2 tons of heparin and its salts, higher than 106.7 tons in the whole 2014; however, the average export price fell 30.7% year on year to USD3,945.6 / ton.
The major global heparin API suppliers, including Hepalink, Nanjing King-friend, Dongcheng Biochemicals and Qianhong Bio-pharma generated the combined capacity of over 20 trillion units in 2014; also, they have been among the top 4 heparin exporters in China for many years, together accounting for over 70% of China’s total heparin exports.
Along with the intensified heparin API supply capacity and raised product grades, Chinese heparin preparation market size is constantly expanding, reaching about RMB5 billion in 2014. In April 2015, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China issued Circular on Adjusting and Standardizing Some Drugs Listed in Drug Catalog of National Basic Medical Insurance, Industrial Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance to contain "enoxaparin sodium injection", "dalteparin sodium injection" and "nadroparin calcium injection" in the aforementioned catalog (previously only included in the medical insurance of some provinces and cities). This move will undoubtedly stimulate the consumption of heparin preparations in China, especially low molecular weight heparin preparations. Chinese heparin preparation market size is expected to jump 27.9% year on year to RMB6.38 billion in 2015.
Based on the corporate development and positive prospects of heparin products, Hepalink, Nanjing King-friend, Dongcheng Biochemicals, Qianhong Bio-pharma, Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical and other companies have been either deploying or improving low molecular weight heparin API and preparation industries in recent years.
Nanjing King-friend has consistently ranked second in Chinese heparin API export market in recent years, and boasts the most diversified low molecular weight heparin products. In 2014, the company produced and sold about 4 trillion units of heparin API. Meanwhile, it received new drug certifications on enoxaparin sodium API and preparations, dalteparin sodium API and preparations. It obtained an approval on nadroparin calcium API and preparations on May 13, 2015. In addition, Nanjing King-friend has a production line involved with 3000kg/a low molecular weight heparin (1000kg/a enoxaparin sodium, 1000kg/a dalteparin, 1000kg/a nadroparin calcium) under construction; the project is expected to be completed and put into operation in December 2017.
As one of the main suppliers of heparin API in China, Qianhong Bio-pharma has ranked fourth in exports in recent years. In 2014, the company's heparin API capacity amounted to 5.5 trillion units, but the annual output and sales volume only reached about 2 trillion units based on market considerations. In 2015, the company was granted with a drug registration approval on enoxaparin sodium API and preparations; its dalteparin passed the inspection by CFDA; its nadroparin API and preparations were recognized by new drug review in December, and will go into the production inspection stage. Besides, the company’s ongoing heparin sodium preparation expansion project is expected to be completed in March 2016.

China Heparin Industry Report, 2015-2018 mainly deals with the followings:
Global heparin supply & demand, competitive landscape and forecast, etc.;
Policies, market situation, competitive landscape, import & export, and development forecast, etc. of China heparin industry;
Operation, Heparin Business, development prospect, etc. of 7 heparin enterprises in China.
1. Overview of Heparin Industry
1.1 Definition and Classification
1.2 Industry Chain
2. Operating Environment of Heparin Industry in China
2.1 Access Barriers
2.1.1 Related Policies
2.1.2 Technical Requirements
2.1.3 Capital Barrier
2.2 Global Market Supply & Demand
2.3 Global Market Competition
2.4 Global Market Forecast
3. Development of Heparin API Industry in China
3.1 Status quo
3.2 Supply & Demand
3.3 Competitive Landscape
3.4 Import & Export
3.4.1 Export
3.4.2 Import
3.5 Prospect and Forecast
4. Development of Heparin Preparation Industry in China
4.1 Market Size
4.2 Low Molecular Heparin Preparation
4.2.1 Low Molecular Weight Heparin Calcium Preparation
4.2.2 Low Molecular Weight Heparin Sodium Preparation
4.3 Unfractionated Heparin Preparation
4.4 Prospect and Forecast
5. Key Heparin Enterprises in China
5.1 Hepalink
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.1.3 Revenue Structure
5.1.4 Gross Margin
5.1.5 R&D and Investment
5.1.6 Major Clients
5.1.7 Heparin Business
5.1.8 Prospect and Forecast
5.2 Qianhong Bio-pharma
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.2.3 Revenue Structure
5.2.4 Gross Margin
5.2.5 R&D and Investment
5.2.6 Clients and Suppliers
5.2.7 Heparin Business
5.2.8 Prospect and Forecast
5.3 Dongcheng Biochemicals
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.3.3 Revenue Structure
5.3.4 Gross Margin
5.3.5 R&D and Investment
5.3.6 Major Clients
5.3.7 Heparin Business
5.3.8 Prospect and Forecast
5.4 Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.4.3 Revenue Structure
5.4.4 Gross Margin
5.4.5 R&D and Investment
5.4.6 Major Clients
5.4.7 Heparin Business
5.4.8 Prospect and Forecast
5.5 Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.5.3 Revenue Structure
5.5.4 Gross Margin
5.5.5 R&D and Investment
5.5.6 Major Clients
5.5.7 Heparin Business
5.5.8 Prospect and Forecast
5.6 Nanjing King-friend Biochemical Pharmaceutical
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Operation and Prospect
5.7 Wanbang Biopharmaceuticals
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Development
5.7.3 Operation
5.7.4 Heparin Business
Application of Heparin Preparation
Performance Comparison between Low Molecular Weight Heparin Preparation and Unfractionated Heparin Preparation
Heparin Industry Chain
Standard Requirements of Heparin Sodium API and Heparin in China
Global Heparin Preparation Market Size and YoY Growth, 2007-2014
Global Heparin Preparation Market Size by Product, 2010-2014
Regional Distribution of Global Heparin Preparations Consumed, 2014
Global Heparin API Demand and YoY Growth, 2007-2014
World’s Major Heparin Producers
Revenue of Major Global Heparin Preparation Brands, 2010-2014
Global Demand for Heparin API, 2014-2018E
Global Heparin Preparations Market Size, 2014-2018E
Gross Margin of Major Heparin API Producers in China, 2008-2015
Heparin API and Related Companies Registered in China, 2014-2015
Pig Slaughter Capacity and YoY Growth in China, 2006-2015
China’s Theoretical Capacity of Heparin Crude Products, 2008-2015
China’s Theoretical Capacity of Heparin Sodium API, 2008-2015
Capacity and Sales Volume of Major Heparin API Manufacturers in China, 2014
Export Volume and Export Value of Heparin and Its Salts in China, 2009-2015
Average Export Prices of China’s Heparin and Its Salts and YoY Growth, 2009-2015
Export Destinations of China’s Heparin and Its Salts by Export Volume, Jan-Oct 2015
Top 10 Export Destinations of China’s Heparin and Its Salts by Export Value, 2012-2015
China’s Top 20 Heparin and Its Salts Exporters by Export Value, 2014
Import Volume, Import Value and Unit Price of Heparin and Its Salts in China, 2009-2015
Heparin Sodium API Projects Proposed/Under Construction in China, by the end of Oct 2015
Chinese Heparin Preparations Market Size and YoY Growth, 2007-2015
Market Share of Heparin Preparations in China by Product, 2013
Heparin Preparations and Related Companies Registered in China, 2014-2015
Chinese Low Molecular Weight Heparin Preparation Market Size and YoY Growth, 2007-2015
Market Share of Low Molecular Weight Heparin Calcium in China, 2014
Prices Offered by Major Low Molecular Weight Heparin Calcium Enterprises in China, 2014-2015
Market Share of Low Molecular Weight Heparin Sodium Preparations in China, 2014
Chinese Heparin Preparation Market Size and YoY Growth, 2014-2018E
Revenue and Profit of Hepalink, 2009-2015
Revenue of Hepalink by Region, 2009-2015
Operating Revenue Structure of Hepalink by Region, 2009-2015
Revenue of Hepalink by Product, 2009-2015
Operating Revenue Structure of Hepalink by Product, 2009-2015
Consolidated Gross Margin of Hepalink, 2009-2015
Gross Margin of Hepalink by Region, 2012-2015
Gross Margin of Hepalink by Product, 2010-2015
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Hepalink, 2009-2015
Hepalink’s Revenue from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, 2009-2014
Assets, Revenue and Profit of Hepalink’s Major Subsidiaries, 2014
Output, Sales Volume and Inventory of Hepalink’s Heparin Sodium API, 2011-2014
Gross Margin of Hepalink’s Main Heparin Products, 2008-2014
Revenue and Net Income of Hepalink, 2014-2018E
Revenue and Profit of Qianhong Bio-pharma, 2009-2015
Operating Revenue Structure of Qianhong Bio-pharma by Region, 2009-2015
Revenue of Qianhong Bio-pharma by Region, 2009-2015
Operating Revenue Structure of Qianhong Bio-pharma by Product, 2008-2013
Operating Revenue Structure of Qianhong Bio-pharma by Product, 2014-2015
Revenue of Qianhong Bio-pharma by Product, 2008-2014
Gross Margin of Qianhong Bio-pharma by Product, 2009-2015
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Qianhong Bio-pharma, 2009-2015
Progress of Qianhong Bio-pharma’s Projects Proposed/Under Construction, by the end of Jun. 2015
Qianhong Bio-pharma’s Revenue from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, 2009-2014
Qianhong Bio-pharma’s Procurement from Top 5 Suppliers and % of Total Procurement, 2009-2014
Assets, Revenue and Net Income of Qianhong Bio-pharma’s Subsidiaries, 2015H1
Revenue and Net Income of Qianhong Bio-pharma, 2014-2018E
Assets, Revenue and Net Income of Dongcheng Biochemicals’ Subsidiaries, 2015H1
Revenue and Profit of Dongcheng Biochemicals, 2009-2015
Operating Revenue Structure of Dongcheng Biochemicals by Region, 2009-2015
Revenue of Dongcheng Biochemicals by Region, 2009-2015
Operating Revenue Structure of Dongcheng Biochemicals by Product, 2009-2015
Revenue of Dongcheng Biochemicals by Product, 2009-2015
Consolidated Gross Margin of Dongcheng Biochemicals, 2009-2015
Gross Margin of Dongcheng Biochemicals by Product, 2008-2015
Gross Margin of Dongcheng Biochemicals by Region, 2009-2015
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Dongcheng Biochemicals, 2010-2015
Progress of Dongcheng Biochemicals’ Projects under Research, by the end of 2014
Dongcheng Biochemicals’ Revenue from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, 2009-2014
Output, Sales Volume and Inventory of Dongcheng Biochemicals’ Heparin Sodium, 2011-2014
Revenue and Net Income of Dongcheng Biochemicals’ Heparin Sodium, 2009-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Dongcheng Biochemicals, 2014-2018E
Operation of Changshan Biochemical's Subsidiaries, by the end of 2014
Revenue and Profit of Changshan Biochemical, 2009-2015
Operating Revenue Structure of Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical by Region, 2009-2015
Revenue of Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical by Region, 2009-2015
Revenue of Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical by Product, 2009-2015
Consolidated Gross Margin of Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical, 2009-2015
Gross Margin of Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical by Region, 2009-2015
Gross Margin of Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical by Product, 2009-2015
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical, 2009-2015
Progress of Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical’s Products under Research, by the end of Jun. 2015
Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical’s Revenue from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, 2009-2014
Output, Sales Volume and Inventory of Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical’s Heparin Sodium API and Its Preparations, 2011-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical, 2014-2018E
Revenue and Profit of Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical, 2009-2015
Output, Sales Volume and Inventory of Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical’s Finished Drug Products, 2011-2014
Operating Revenue Structure of Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical by Region, 2009-2014
Revenue of Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical by Region, 2009-2014
Operating Revenue Structure of Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical by Product, 2009-2014
Revenue of Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical by Product, 2009-2014
Consolidated Gross Margin of Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical, 2009-2015
Gross Margin of Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical by Region, 2009-2014
Gross Margin of Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical by Product, 2009-2014
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical, 2009-2015
Main R & D Products and Progress of Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical, by the end of Jun 2015
Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical’s Revenue from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, 2009-2014
Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical’s Revenue and Gross Margin from Heparin Business, 2009-2014
Revenue and Net Income of Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical, 2014-2018E
Heparin API and Preparation Projects of Nanjing King-friend’s Old and New Plants, by the end of Oct 2015
Revenue and Profit of Wanbang Biopharmaceuticals, 2012-2015
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