Global and China Lithium Battery Anode Materials Industry Report, 2016-2020
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Lithium battery is primarily composed of cathode materials, anode materials, separator, and electrolyte. Anode materials, one of vital raw materials, make up 5%-15% of lithium battery cost.
In 2015, global lithium battery anode materials sales amounted to 112,700 tons, mainly produced in China and Japan. As new energy vehicle sales climb year after year, global lithium battery anode materials sales is expected to maintain a growth rate of over 25% over the next five years.
Global lithium battery anode materials are still dominated by natural graphite and artificial graphite, together accounting for roughly 83% in 2015. However, as the demand for power battery rises, novel materials like mesocarbon microbeads (MCMB), lithium titanate (LTO), silicon carbon (Si/C), hard/soft carbon, and other anode materials see rapid growth in output.
In recent years, thanks to explosive growth of the Chinese new energy vehicle market, anode materials sales has burgeoned in China, significantly faster than the global average. China’s anode materials sales reached 72,800 tons in 2015, a year-on-year surge of 42.7%, and are expected to record a CAGR of more than 30% over the next five years.
Global anode materials market is occupied mainly by Japanese and Chinese enterprises, with the former leading the way technologically, and the latter having advantage of low production cost because of rich graphite mineral resources in the country.
In 2015, global top6 anode materials companies (by sales volume) were BTR, Hitachi Chemical, Shanghai Shanshan, MitshubishiChem, Nippon Carbon, and JFE, together holding nearly 70% market share. Hitachi Chemical, Shanghai Shanshan, Nippon Carbon, and JFE focus on artificial graphite, and BTR and Hitachi Chemical specialize in natural graphite.
There had been more than 50 lithium battery anode materials producers in China by the end of 2015, mostly new entrants after 2010. The companies boasting anode materials capacity of over 10,000 tons included BTR (30,000t/a), Shanghai Shanshan Tech (15,000t/a), Jiangxi Zichen Technology (10,000t/a), and Hunan Shinzoom Technology (10,000t/a). As Chinese companies continue to boost anode materials capacity and improve technologies, the domestic market share of anode materials produced by local players will continue to rise over the next couple of years.

Global and China Lithium Battery Anode Materials Industry Report, 2016-2020 by ResearchInChina highlights the followings:
Global lithium battery anode materials industry (market size and forecast, competitive pattern, development of new anode materials, etc.);
China’s lithium battery anode materials industry (policies, market size & forecast, competitive pattern, price trend, etc.);
Global and China’s raw materials industry (graphite, silicon carbide, LTO, graphene) of anode materials (market size, competitive pattern, import & export, price trend, etc.);
Global and China’s lithium battery industry (market size, competitive pattern, demand for anode materials and forecast, etc.);
15 Global and Chinese anode materials producers (profile, anode materials business, operation, etc.);
3 Global and Chinese lithium titanate producers (profile, lithium titanate business, operation, etc.).
1 Overview of Lithium Battery Anode Materials
1.1 Definition
1.2 Industry Chain
2 Lithium Battery Anode Materials Market
2.1 Market Size
2.2 Competitive Pattern
2.3 New Anode Materials
2.3.1 Lithium Titanate
2.3.2 Hard/Soft Carbon
2.3.3 Silicon-based Composites
2.3.4 Graphene
3 Chinese Lithium Battery Anode Materials Market
3.1 Industrial Policy
3.2 Market Size
3.3 Competitive Pattern
3.4 Price Trend
4 Upstream Raw Materials Market
4.1 Graphite
4.1.1 Global
4.1.2 China
4.2 Silicon Carbide
4.2.1 Global
4.2.2 China
4.3 Lithium Titanate
4.3.1 Global
4.3.2 China
4.4 Graphene
4.5 Hard/Soft Carbon
4.6 MCMB
5 Downstream Lithium Battery Market
5.1 Market Size
5.1.1 Global
5.1.2 China
5.2 Market Structure
5.2.1 Global
5.2.2 China
5.3 Competitive Pattern
5.3.1 Global
5.3.2 China
5.4 Demand
5.4.1 Consumer Electronics (3C)
5.4.2 EV
5.4.3 Industrial Energy Storage
6 Major Global Anode Materials Companies
6.1 Hitachi Chemical
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Development History and Outlook
6.1.3 Production Base
6.1.4 Lithium Battery Anode Materials Business
6.1.5 Presence in China
6.1.6 Core Competence
6.1.7 Operating Data
6.2 Mitsubishi Chemical
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Development History and Outlook
6.2.3 Production Base
6.2.4 Lithium Battery Anode Materials Business
6.2.5 Presence in China
6.2.6 Core Competence
6.2.7 Operating Data
6.3 Nippon Carbon
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Development History
6.3.3 Production Base
6.3.4 Operating Data
6.4 JFE Chemical
6.5 Kureha
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Production Base
6.5.3 Lithium Battery Anode Materials Business
6.5.4 Presence in China
6.5.5 Core Competence
6.5.6 Operating Data
7 Key Chinese Anode Materials Companies
7.1 Shenzhen BTR New Energy Materials
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Industrial Layout
7.1.3 Development History and Outlook
7.1.4 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.1.5 Customers
7.1.6 Production and Marketing of Products
7.1.7 Core Competence
7.1.8 Operating Data
7.2 Shanghai Shanshan Tech
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Affiliated Companies
7.2.3 Development History and Outlook
7.2.4 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.2.5 Customers
7.2.6 Production and Marketing of Products
7.2.7 Core Competence
7.2.8 Operating Data
7.3 Hunan Shinzoom Technology
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Development History and Outlook
7.3.3 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.3.4 Customers
7.3.5 Supply System
7.3.6 Production and Marketing of Products
7.3.7 Core Competence
7.3.8 Operating Data
7.4 HuzhouChuangya Power Battery Materials
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.4.3 Customers
7.4.4 Production and Marketing of Products
7.4.5 Operating Data
7.5 Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Sc. & Tech.
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Development History and Outlook
7.5.3 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.5.4 Customers
7.5.5 Supply System
7.5.6 Production and Marketing of Products
7.5.7 Operating Data
7.6 Other
7.6.1 Jiangxi Zichen Technology
7.6.2 Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development
7.6.3 Morgan AM&T Hairong
7.6.4 Dalian Hongguang Lithium
7.6.5 Tianjin Kimwan Carbon Technology and Development
8 Key Lithium Titanate Companies
8.1 ISK (Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd)
8.1.1 Profile
8.1.2 Development History and Outlook
8.1.3 Production Base
8.1.4 Lithium Titanate Business
8.1.5 Operating Data
8.2 Chengdu Xingneng New Materials
8.2.1 Profile
8.2.2 Affiliated Companies
8.2.3 Lithium Titanate Business
8.3 Altairnano
8.3.1 Profile
8.3.2 Development History and Outlook
8.3.3 Affiliated Companies
Cost Structure of Lithium Battery
Classification of Lithium Battery Anode Materials
Performance Comparison of Lithium Battery Anode Materials (by Category)
Value Chain of Power Lithium Battery
Production Procedures of Power Lithium Battery
Global Shipments of Lithium Battery Anode Materials, 2010-2020E
Global Anode Materials Structure, 2015-2020E
Competitive Pattern of Global Anode Materials Companies, 2015
Capacity Proposed/under Construction of Global Anode Materials Companies, 2016
Major Global Suppliers and Buyers of Anode Materials (by Product)
Specific Capacitance Comparison of Commercial Anode Materials
Merits and Demerits of Lithium Titanate Anode Material
Major Suppliers and Applications of Hard Carbon/Soft Carbon
Performance Comparison of Si/C Anode Material Batteries
Application Examples of Si/C Anode Material
China’s Shipments of Lithium Battery Anode Materials and Demand for Graphene, 2014-2018E
Policies on Lithium Battery Industry in China
Requirements on Performance Indicators of Lithium Battery Anode Materials in China, 2015
China’s Shipments of Lithium Battery Anode Materials, 2010-2020E
China’s Share of Global Anode Materials Sales, 2010-2020E
China’s Lithium Battery Anode Materials Output Value and Growth Rate, 2010-2020E
Major Lithium Battery Anode Materials Companies and Their Capacity in China, 2015
Customers of Major Lithium Battery Anode Materials Companies in China, 2015
Price Trend of Anode Materials in China, 2010-2020E
Production Process of Natural Graphite
Natural Graphite Output and Reserves, 2012-2014
Major Global Crystalline Flake Graphite Producing Areas, 2014
Major Global Amorphous Graphite Producing Areas, 2014
Shares(%) of Natural Graphite Applications Worldwide, 2014
China’s Graphite Ore Output by Region, 2014
Global SiC Capacity by Region, 2015
Major Global SiC Producers and Capacity
Global SiC Demand Structure, 2009-2015
Capacity of Major SiC Producers in China, 2015
China’s SiC Imports (Volume/Value), 2009-2015
Top10 Sources of SiC Imports in China by Import Volume, 2015
Top10 Provinces with SiC Imports in China by Import Volume, 2015
China’s SiC Exports (Volume/Value), 2009-2015
Top10 Destinations of SiC Exports from China by Export Volume, 2015
Top10 Provinces with SiC Exports in China by Export Volume, 2015
Average Import and Export Prices of SiC in China, 2009-2015
Price Trend of Black SiC Lump in China, 2015
Price Trend of Black SiC Grit Sand in China, 2015
Price Trend of Black SiC Grit Sand in Gansu, 2015
Price Trend of Black SiC Powder in China, 2015
Price Trend of Green SiC Lump in China, 2015
Price Trend of European Standard Green SiC Powder in China, 2015
Price Trend of Japanese Standard Green SiC Powder in China, 2015
Lithium Titanate Producers and Their Capacity in China, 2015
Global Graphene Demand Structure by Industry, 2015
Global Graphene Market Size, 2012-2020E
Major Global Graphene Producers
Price of Graphene, 2004-2015
Structure of Lithium Battery
Global Structure of Batteries, 2014
Global Lithium Battery Market Demand and Size, 2011-2020E
China’s Lithium Battery Sales and Market Size, 2011-2020E
China’s Lithium Battery Export Volume/Value, 2007-2016E
Global Lithium Battery Sales Structure by Country, 2011-2015
China’s Lithium Battery Sales Structure by Province, 2013-2015
Global Lithium Battery Maker Echelons
Competitive Pattern of Global Small Lithium Battery Makers, 2014
Global Shipments of Power Lithium Battery for New Energy Vehicles and Share, 2013-2014
Chinese Lithium Battery Market Competition, 2014
Major Lithium Battery Makers in China
Power Lithium Battery Supply System in China
Structure of Power Battery for New Energy Passenger Vehicles by Type of Technology, 2015H1
Market Share of Major Battery Makers, 2015H1
Shipments of Major Battery Makers, 2015H1
Applications of Lithium-ion Battery
Global Lithium Battery Demand Structure, 2012-2020E
Global Demand for Lithium Battery from Consumer Electronics and Growth Rate, 2013-2020E
Global Mobile Phone Sales Volume and Demand for Lithium Battery, 2012-2020E
Global Tablet PC Sales Volume and Demand for Lithium Battery, 2012-2020E
Competitive Landscape in Global Tablet PC market, 2013-2015
Global Sales Volume of Notebook Computers and Demand for Lithium Battery, 2012-2020E
Global Sales Volume of Electronic Cigarettes and Share, 2012-2020E
Sales Volume of Electric Passenger Cars (EV&PHEV) Worldwide, 2011-2020E
Sales Volume of Electric Vehicles Worldwide, 2010-2050E
Battery Capacity and Endurance of Global Major EV Brands
Single-vehicle Battery Capacity of Electric Passenger Cars Worldwide, 2011-2020E
Demand for Power Lithium Battery from Electric Passenger Cars Worldwide, 2011-2020E
Global Demand for Power Lithium Battery (by Type) for Electric Vehicle, 2011-2020E
Sales Volume of Electric Passenger Cars (EV & PHEV) in China, 2011-2020E
China’s Share of Global Electric Passenger Cars Sales, 2011-2020E
Demand for Power Lithium Battery (by Type) in China, 2011-2020E
Power Lithium Battery Industry Scale and Share (%) in China, 2010-2016
Quantity of Mobile Base Stations in China, 2009-2016
Demand for Energy Storage Lithium Battery in China, 2015/2020
Structure of Demand for Energy Storage Lithium Battery (by Field) in China, 2020
Demand for Energy Storage (by Application), 2014-2020E
Energy Storage Battery Manufacturers in China
Development Course of Hitachi Chemical
Distribution of Hitachi Chemical’s Subsidiaries
Business Segments and Operations of Hitachi Chemical
Presence of Hitachi Chemical in China
Revenue and Net Income of Hitachi Chemical, FY2010-FY2015
Global Marketing Network of Mitsubishi Chemical
Development Course of Mitsubishi Chemical
Distribution of Major Production Bases of Mitsubishi Chemical
Lithium Battery Anode Materials Production Bases and Capacity of Mitsubishi Chemical, 2015
Presence of Mitsubishi Chemical in China
Revenue and Operating Income of Mitsubishi, FY2008-FY2015
Development Course of Nippon Carbon
Headquarters, Production Bases and Branches of Nippon Carbon, 2015
Distribution of Nippon Carbon’s Subsidiaries, 2015
Revenue and Net Income of Nippon Carbon, 2011-2014
Distribution of Kureha’s Production Bases, 2015
Kureha’s Subsidiaries and Key Operations in China, 2015
Revenue and Net Income of Kureha, 2010-2015
Industrial Layout of Shenzhen BTR New Energy Materials
Main Subsidiaries and Capacities of Shenzhen BTR New Energy Materials, 2015
Subsidiaries of Shenzhen BTR New Energy Materials
Development Course of Shenzhen BTR New Energy Materials
Major Anode Material Products of Shenzhen BTR New Energy Materials
Revenue and Net Income of Shenzhen BTR New Energy Materials, 2012-2015
Affiliated Companies of Shanghai Shanshan Tech
History of Ningbo Shanshan’s Anode Material Development
Anode Material Product Series of Ningbo Shanshan
Ningbo Shanshan’s Revenue and Net Income from Anode Materials, 2012-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Shanghai Shanshan Tech, 2012-2015
Development Course of Hunan Shinzoom Technology
Anode Material Product Series of Hunan Shinzoom Technology
Hunan Shinzoom Technology’s Revenue from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, 2012-2013
Hunan Shinzoom Technology’s Procurement from Top Suppliers and % of Total Procurement, 2012-2013
Sales Volume of Main Products of Hunan Shinzoom Technology, 2012-2013
Selling Prices of Main Products of Hunan Shinzoom Technology, 2012-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Hunan Shinzoom Technology, 2012-2015
Revenue Structure (by Products) of Hunan Shinzoom Technology, 2012-2015
Anode Material Product Series of Hunan Shinzoom Technology
Revenue and Net Income of HuzhouChuangya Power Battery Materials, 2012-2015
Development Course of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Sc. & Tech.
Anode Material Product Series of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Sc. & Tech.
Name List and Revenue Contribution of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Sc. & Tech.’s Top 5 Clients, 2014H1
Name List and Procurement Contribution of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Sc. & Tech.’s Top 5 Suppliers, 2014H1
Selling Prices of Main Products of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Sc. & Tech., 2012-2014
Revenue and Net Income of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Sc. & Tech., 2012-2015
Revenue Structure (by Products) of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Sc. & Tech., 2012-2014
Revenue Structure (by Regions) of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Sc. & Tech., 2012-2014
Gross Margins of Main Products of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Sc. & Tech., 2012-2014
Development Course of ISK
Distribution of ISK’s Associated Companies Worldwide
Revenue and Net Income of ISK, FY2011-FY2015
Distribution of Associated Companies of Chengdu Xingneng New Materials Worldwide
Development Course of Altairnano
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