Global and China 1,4-butanediol (BDO) Industry Report, 2017-2021
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1,4-butanediol (BDO) is a key raw material for organic and fine chemicals, capable of generating various derivatives like THF, PTMEG and GBL. BDO and its derivatives find wide application in PBT plastics, spandex, polyurethane, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
Spurred by downstream demand, global BDO capacity enlarged steadily in recent years and reached 3,990kt/a in 2016, with a CAGR of 13.5% during 2010-2016. However, saturating of BDO demand in American and European markets will retard expansion of BDO capacity worldwide. It is predicted that global BDO capacity will grow at a pace of 3%-6% during 2017-2021.
Global BDO capacity largely lies in Asia, especially in China which seized 2,079kt/a BDO capacity (a 52.1% share of global total) in 2016, with a CAGR of 35.3% during 2010-2016, being the key contributor to global BDO capacity growth. Nevertheless, most Chinese players have been in the red for a long time for excessive expansion of BDO capacity in China further intensified oversupply in the market and slowdown of downstream demand growth led to operating rate below 50%. As a result, China’s BDO capacity expansion will gear down with a growth rate of 5%-8% during 2017-2021.

Global BDO market has a relatively stable competitive pattern and a high concentration due to high technical barriers and limited sources of raw materials. Main producers include: foreign companies such as BASF, LyondellBasell and ISP; Taiwan-based Dairen Chemical and Nan Ya Plastics; Markor Chem, Xinjiang Tianye, Shanxi Sanwei, etc. in Mainland China. As of June 2017, the world’s top3 players by capacity were BASF, Dairen Chemical and Markor Chem, together sharing 39.0% of global total capacity.
China’s BDO price presented a fluctuating downtrend due to overcapacity in recent years. The price did not pick up until the end of 2016, and returned to the level of 2014 (around RMB12,200/ton) in June 2017. Tight supply constituted the main reason for recovery in price: explosion of an abandoned catalytic storage tank of SINOPEC Great Wall Energy and Chemical, halted production of the company’s BDO plants for almost three months in the second half of 2016; Markor Chem and Xinjiang Tianye then stopped production and overhauled their BDO plants in succession.
By downstream application, PTMEG, PBT and GBL took up 92% of total BDO demand in China in 2016, of which PTMEG had the biggest demand, a 43% share of the total. Pulled by capacity expansion, PTMEG’s demand for BDO will grow at a rate of about 10% during 2017-2021.
Global and China 1,4-butanediol (BDO) Industry Report, 2017-2021 highlights the following:
BDO industry (definition, production technology, industry chain, etc.);
Global BDO market (overview, market size, market structure, competitive pattern, price trend, etc.);
China’s BDO industry (policy, market size, import and export, competitive pattern, price trend, development trend, etc.);
BDO upstream sectors including coal, methanol and calcium carbide (market size, import and export, competitive pattern, price, etc.);
BDO downstream sectors including PTMEG, PBT, GBL, etc. (market size, market structure, import and export, price, competitive pattern, etc.);
5 foreign and 23 Chinese BDO producers (operation, BDO business, etc.).
1 Profile of BDO
1.1 Properties and Purposes
1.2 Process
2 Overview of Global BDO Industry
2.1 Status Quo
2.2 Market Size
2.2.1 Supply
2.2.2 Demand
2.3 Competitive Landscape
2.4 Price
3 Overview of China BDO Industry
3.1 Policy
3.2 Market Size
3.2.1 Supply
3.2.2 Demand
3.3 Competitive Landscape
3.4 Import & Export
3.5 Price
3.6 Development Trend
4 Status Quo of Upstream Sectors
4.1 Coal
4.1.1 Market Size
4.1.2 Structure
4.1.3 Price
4.1.4 Import & Export
4.2 Methanol
4.2.1 Industry Status
4.2.2 Competitive Pattern
4.2.3 Price
4.3 Calcium Carbide
5 Development of BDO Downstream Sectors
5.1.1 Market Size
5.1.2 Market Structure
5.1.3 Import & Export
5.1.4 Price
5.1.5 Competitive Pattern
5.2 PBT
5.2.1 Market Size
5.2.2 Market Structure
5.2.3 Import & Export
5.2.4 Price
5.2.5 Competitive Pattern
5.3 GBL
5.4 Others
6 Major Overseas BDO Manufacturers
6.1 BASF
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 BDO Business
6.1.4 Business in China
6.2 Dairen Chemical
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 BDO Business
6.2.3 Advantages and Outlook
6.3 LyondellBasell
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 BDO Business
6.3.4 Business in China
6.4 Ashland
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 BDO Business
6.4.4 Business in China
6.5 Nan Ya Plastics
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 BDO Business
6.5.4 Outlook
7 Major BDO Manufacturers in Mainland China
7.1 Markor Chem
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 BDO Business
7.2 Shanxi Sanwei
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 Clients and Suppliers
7.2.4 BDO Business
7.2.5 Development Strategy
7.3 Sinopec Yizheng Chemical Fibre
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 BDO Business
7.4 Fujian Meizhouwan
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 BDO Business
7.5 Nanjing Bluestar
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 BDO Business
7.6 HNCC
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 BDO Business
7.7 Other Companies
7.7.1 Yunnan Yunwei
7.7.2 Shaanxi BDO
7.7.3 Sichuan Tianhua
7.7.4 Jianfeng Chemical
7.7.5 Guodian Younglight
7.7.6 Henan Kaixiang
7.7.7 Inner Mongolia Zhongyuan
7.7.8 Sinopec Sichuan Vinylon Works
7.7.9 Zhongjia Huachen Energy
7.7.10 Jiangshan Chemical
7.7.11 Xinjiang Tianye
7.7.12 Yanchang Petroleum
7.7.13 Hengyuan Coal Industry and Electricity Power
7.7.14 Shandong Weijiao
7.7.15 Shaanxi Ronghe Chemical
7.7.16 Xinjiang Blue Ridge Tunhe Chemical Industry Joint Stock
7.7.17 Xinjiang Guotai Xinhua Mining
1,4-butanediol (BDO) Industry Chain
Advantages and Disadvantages of BDO Production Process
Application of Global BDO Production Technology
Global BDO Capacity and Growth Rate, 2010-2021
Major BDO Manufacturers Worldwide and Their Capacity, 2017
Global BDO Demand and Growth Rate, 2010-2021
Capacity Share of Major BDO Manufacturers in the World, 2017
BDO Anti-dumping Cases in China
BDO Capacity and Growth Rate in China, 2010-2021
BDO Output and Operating Rate in China, 2010-2021
BDO Manufacturers and Their Capacity in China, 2017
BDO Capacity Structure (by Production Process) in China, 2017
BDO Demand and Growth Rate in China, 2010-2021
BDO Downstream Consumption Structure in China, 2016/2021E
Major BDO Downstream Users, 2016
Competitive Pattern of China BDO Market, 2017
Import/Export Volume of Other Diols in China, 2009-2017
Average Import/Export Price of Other Diols in China, 2009-2017
Import Sources of Other Diols (by Import Volume) in China, 2016
Export Destinations of Others Diols (by Export Volume) in China, 2016
Main Other Diols Importing Regions and Import Structure in China, 2016
Main Other Diols Exporting Regions and Export Structure in China, 2016
Price Trend of BDO in China, 2014-2017
Ex-factory Prices of Major BDO Producers on July 21, 2017
Distribution of Anthracite Reserves in China
Anthracite Output and YoY Growth in China, 2009-2017
Apparent Consumption of Anthracite in China, 2009-2017
Anthracite Output Structure in China by Region, 2015
Price Trend of Thermal Coal in China, 2010-2016
Price Trend of Anthracite in China, 2010-2016
Growth in Average Price of Anthracite in China, 2016-2017
Import Volume of Anthracite in China, 2009-2016
Export Volume of Anthracite in China, 2009-2016
Global Methanol Capacity Structure by Region, 2016
Methanol Capacity and Output in China, 2010-2017
New/Expanded Capacity of Chinese Methanol Companies, 2017
Operating Rate of Methanol Industry in China, 2015-2016
Capacity and Capacity Structure of Global Major Methanol Companies, 2016
Price Trend of Methanol in China, 2016
Price Trend of Methanol in China, 2017
Calcium Carbide Capacity in China, 2005-2017
Calcium Carbide Output in China, 2011-2017
Apparent Consumption of Calcium Carbide in China, 2011-2017
Price Trend of Calcium Carbide in China, 2016-2017
Applications of BDO
Status Quo of Main BDO Downstream Industries in June 2017
Demand for PTMEG Used BDO in China, 2016-2021E
Global PTMEG Capacity, 2010-2021
Geographical Distribution of Global PTMEG Capacity, 2016
PTMEG Capacity in China, 2010-2021
PTMEG Output and Operating Rate in China, 2010-2021E
PTMEG Apparent Consumption and Self-sufficiency Rate in China, 2010-2021E
PTMEG Consumption Structure in China, 2016
PTMEG Import/Export Volume in China, 2008-2016
Average PTMEG Import/Export Price in China, 2008-2016
Distribution of PTMEG Import Sources (by Import Volume) in China, 2016
Distribution of PTMEG Export Destinations (by Export Volume) in China, 2016
Price Trend of PTMEG in China, 2010-2017
Capacity Share of Major PTMEG Manufacturers in the World, 2016
Technical Indicators of PBT Products
Demand for PBT Used OBD, 2010-2021E
Global PBT Capacity Structure by Region, 2016
Capacity of Major PBT Producers in China, 2016
PBT Output in China, 2010-2021E
PBT Demand in China, 2010-2021E
Global PBT Consumption Structure, 2016
PBT Demand Structure in China, 2016
PBT Import/Export Volume in China, 2008-2016
Average PBT Import/Export Price in China, 2008-2016
Distribution of PBT Import Sources (by Import Volume) in China, 2016
Distribution of PBT Export Destinations (by Export Volume) in China, 2016
Price Trend of PBT in China, 2016-2017
Competitive Pattern of Global PBT Market, 2016
Major GBL Manufacturers and Their Capacity in China, 2016
Global Presence of BASF
Revenue and Net Income of BASF, 2009-2017
Revenue Structure of BASF (by Division), 2016
Capacity of Main Products of BASF’s Chemical Division, 2016
Revenue and EBITDA of BASF’s Chemical Division, 2015-2016
Revenue Breakdown of BASF’s Chemical Division (by Product), 2015-2016
Intermediates Sales Structure of BASF (by Region), 2016
Address, Capacity and Process of BDO Facilities of BASF, 2013
BASF’s Layout in China
Main Products and Capacity of Dairen Chemical, 2016
Address and Capacity of BDO Plants of Dairen Chemical, 2016
BDO Industry Chain of Dairen Chemical
Revenue and Net Income of LyondellBasell, 2011-2016
Revenue Structure of LyondellBasell (by Division), 2014-2016
Revenue and Operating Income of Intermediate and Derivative Division of LyondellBasell, 2011-2016
Main Products and Capacity of Intermediate and Derivative Division of LyondellBasell, 2016
Revenue and Net Income of Ashland, FY2010-FY2016
Revenue Structure of Ashland (by Division), FY2011-FY2016
Revenue Structure of Ashland’s Functional Material Division (by Market), 2016
Revenue Structure of Ashland’s Functional Material Division (by Product), 2016
Revenue Structure of Ashland’s Functional Material Division (by Region), 2016
Address, Capacity and Process of BDO Facilities of ISP, 2016
Main Products of Nan Ya Plastics
Revenue and Net Income of Nan Ya Plastics, 2009-2016
Nan Ya Plastics’ Revenue from Main Products and % of Total Revenue, 2016
Nan Ya Plastics’ Revenue from BDO and % of Total Revenue, 2009-2016
BDO Capacity and Output of Nan Ya Plastics, 2008-2016
BDO Sales Volume and Sales/Output Ratio of Nan Ya Plastics, 2009-2016
Proportion of BDO Self-used Volume and External Sales Volume in Total Sales Volume of Nan Ya Plastics, 2011-2016
Revenue of Markor Chem, 2012-2017
BDP Process of Markor Chem
BDO Capacity, Output, Sales Volume and Sales Price of Markor Chem, 2010-2016
Revenue and Net Income of Shanxi Sanwei, 2009-2017
Revenue Structure of Shanxi Sanwei (by Product), 20124-2016
Revenue Structure of Shanxi Sanwei (by Region), 2012-2016
Gross Margin of Main Products of Shanxi Sanwei, 2010-2016
Shanxi Sanwei’s Revenue from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, 2011-2016
Name List and Revenue Contribution of Shanxi Sanwei’s Top 5 Clients, 2016
Shanxi Sanwei’s Procurement from Top 5 Suppliers and % of Total Procurement, 2011-2016
Name List and Procurement Contribution of Shanxi Sanwei’s Top 5 Suppliers, 2016
Development Course of BDO Business of Shanxi Sanwei
Capacity of BDO and Downstream Products of Shanxi Sanwei, 2016
Capacity of Main Products of Fujian Meizhouwan, 2016
Capacity of Main Products of Yunnan Yunwei, 2016
Revenue and Net Income of Yunnan Yunwei, 2009-2016
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