China Polyether Monomer Industry Report, 2019-2025
May 2019
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China has seen real estate boom and issued a raft of policies for continuous efforts in improving weak links in infrastructure sector over the years. Financial funds of RMB1,663.2 billion should be allocated to 26 provinces ahead of schedule, according to the six documents released successively by the Ministry of Finance of China on November 9, 2018. The country’s infrastructure investment is expected to grow 10% in 2019, producing sizable demand for polycarboxylate superplasticizer, expectedly 1,100 tons or so in 2025 compared with roughly 670 tons in 2018.
Based on this, China’s demand for polycarboxylate superplasticizer monomer sustained rapid growth. The country’s demand for polycarboxylate superplasticizer polyether monomer was up by 8.0% year on year in 2018, and will present an AAGR of around 10% during 2019-2025; and over 96% of products are tresylated polyethylene glycol (TPEG) and isobutylene alcohol polyoxyethylene ether (HPEG) amid stricter requirements on technology and performance of products.
Price of polyether monomer is bound up with that of its core material ethylene oxide. In 2018, ethylene oxide price went through ups and downs in China, showing a choppy downtrend after the peak in September to a record low in recent years at the end of 2018. Prices of polyether monomer fluctuated accordingly: in 2018, the maximum price stood at RMB13,000/ton and the minimum price was RMB10,500/ton, a difference of 19%. Driven by infrastructure and real estate markets, the demand for polyether monomer will remain stable in China in 2019, with price probably undulating at a reasonable level.
As for enterprise pattern in China, polyether monomer producers cluster in the eastern region, leading to a high market concentration. The top ten players like Liaoning Oxiranchem, Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical, Jiahua Chemicals, Zhejiang Huangma Technology and Shanghai Taijie Chemical, collectively account for 80% of the market by output. Among them, Liaoning Oxiranchem, the largest polyether monomer supplier with a complete industry chain from ethylene oxide to polyether monomer to superplasticizer, manufactured 565,000 tons of polyether monomer and seized a market share of 40% in 2018. The company has aggressively pushed on with upstream and downstream capacity expansion over the years to become more competitive. In June 2017, it bought a 66% stake in Sichuan Sedar Chemical Co., Ltd; in 2018, it integrated its capacity to improve polyether monomer production.

China Polyether Monomer Industry Chain Report, 2019-2025 highlights the following:
Polyether monomer industry in China (status quo, market supply & demand, regional structure, import & export, competitive landscape, prices, development trends, etc.);
Markets for upstream raw materials (ethylene oxide, methanol, and acrylic acid) (supply & demand, competitive landscape, prices, etc.);
Main downstream industries (polycarboxylate superplasticizer, surfactant) (market supply & demand, import & export, competitive landscape, prices, etc.);
Nine major global and Chinese polyether monomer producers (operation, polyether monomer business, development prospects, etc.);
Four Chinese polycarboxylate superplasticizer enterprises (operation, superplasticizer business, development prospects, etc.)
1 Overview of Polyether Monomer
1.1 Classification and Application
1.2 Industry Chain
2. Development of Polyether Monomer in China
2.1 Status Quo
2.2 Import & Export
2.3 Regional Structure
2.4 Competitive Landscape
2.5 Market Price
2.6 Development Trends
3 Influence of Upstream Sectors’ Development on Polyether Monomer in China
3.1 Ethylene Oxide (EO)
3.1.1 Market Supply & Demand
3.1.2 Competitive Landscape
3.1.3 Market Price
3.2 Methanol
3.2.1 Market Supply & Demand
3.2.2 Market Price
3.2.3 Major Enterprises
3.3 Acrylic Acid
3.3.1 Market Demand
3.3.2 Competitive Landscape
3.3.3 Market Price
3.4 Enol
4 Influence of Downstream Sectors’ Development on Polyether Monomer in China
4.1 Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer
4.1.1 Market Supply & Demand
4.1.2 Competitive Landscape
4.1.3 Market Price
4.2 Nonionic Surfactant
4.2.1 Supply
4.2.2 Demand
4.2.3 Import & Export
5 Major Foreign Polyether Monomer Companies
5.1 Dow Chemical
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.1.3 Operation of Performance Materials & Chemicals Segment
5.1.4 Polyether Monomer Business
5.1.5 Development in China
5.2 Clariant
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.2.3 Polyether Monomer Business
5.2.4 Development in China
5.3 Lotte Chemical Corporation
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.3.3 Polyether Monomer Business
5.3.4 Business in China
6 Major Chinese Polyether Monomer Enterprises
6.1 Liaoning Oxiranchem
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 R&D
6.1.4 Polyether Monomer Business
6.1.5 Development Strategy
6.2 Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 R&D
6.2.4 Polyether Monomer and Superplasticizer Business
6.3 Zhejiang Huangma Technology
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Polyether Monomer Business
6.3.4 R&D
6.4 Shanghai Taijie Chemical
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Polyether Monomer Business
6.5 Jiahua Chemicals
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 R&D
6.5.4 Polyether Monomer Business
6.6 Nanjing Well Chemical
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Polyether Monomer Business
7 Major Chinese Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Enterprises
7.1 Jiangsu Sobute New Materials
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Superplasticizer Business
7.2 Xiamen Academy of Building Research Group
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 R&D
7.2.4 Superplasticizer Business
7.3 Shandong Huawei Yin Kai Building Materials
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 Superplasticizer Business
7.4 Shanxi Kaidi Building Materials
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Superplasticizer Business
Comparison of Merits and Demerits of Various Polyether Monomers in Superplasticizer Field
Polyether Monomer (MPEG/TPEG/APEG) Industry Chain
Development History of Polyether Monomer Structure
Share of Three Major Polyether Monomers in Chinese Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Market, 2010-2018
Volume of Superplasticizer-used Polyether Monomer in China, 2009-2018
Import and Export Volume of Superplasticizer-used Polyether Monomer in China, 2009-2018
Superplasticizer-used Polyether Monomer Demand Structure in China by Region, 2018
Polyether Monomer Demand Structure in China by Province/Municipality, 2018
Superplasticizer-used Polyether Monomer Output Structure in China by Province/Municipality, 2018
Market Share of TOP10 Superplasticizer-used Polyether Monomer Producers in China by Output, 2018
TOP35 Superplasticizer-used Polyether Monomer Producers and Their Output in China, 2018
Price Trend of Polyether Monomer in China, 2011-2019
Price Trend of Polyether Monomer APEG in China, 2015-2019
Price Trend of Polyether Monomer TPEG (4C) in China, 2013-2019
Price Trend of Polyether Monomer TPEG (5C) in China, 2013-2019
Price Trend of Polyether Monomer MPEG in China, 2013-2019
Volume of Superplasticizer-used Polyether Monomer in China, 2018-2025E
Market Share of Three Major Superplasticizer-used Polyether Monomers in China, 2025E
Output of Ethylene Oxide and Commercial Ethylene Oxide in China, 2012-2025E
Commercial Ethylene Oxide Capacity Structure in China by Region, 2018
Capacity of Ethylene Oxide and Commercial Ethylene Oxide in China by Enterprise by the End of 2018
Ethylene Oxide Demand Structure in China by Product, 2011/2016/2021E/2025E
Competitive Pattern of Ethylene Oxide Market in China, 2018
Competitive Pattern of Commercial Ethylene Oxide Market in China, 2018
Average Market Price of Ethylene Oxide in China, 2006-2018
Methanol Capacity in China, 2010-2018
Methanol Capacity Structure in China by Raw Material, 2018
Operating Rate of Methanol Plants in China, 2014-2018
Methanol Output in China, 2010-2018
Supply and Demand of Methanol in China, 2015-2025E
Price Trend of Methanol in China by Region, 2018
Closing Price of Active Methanol Futures Contract in China, 2018
TOP20 Methanol Companies in China by Output, 2018
Acrylic Acid and Ester Producers in Suspension of Production in China, 2018
Supply and Demand of Acrylic Acid in China, 2015-2025E
Acrylic Acid and Ester Capacity in China by Enterprise/Product as of 2018
Price Trend of Acrylic Acid and Ester in China, 2013-2018
Price of Acrylic Acid in China, 2018
Synthesis Technologies of Superplasticizer
Superplasticizer Output in China by Product, 2011-2019
Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Consumption and YoY Growth in China, 2007-2019
Market Share of Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer in China by Consumption, 2006-2019
Sales Volume and Capacity of TOP10 Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Producers in China, 2018
Revenue, Unit Price and Market Share of TOP10 Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Producers in China, 2018
TOP10 Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Exporters in China, 2018
Surfactant Output and YoY Growth in China, 2015-2025E
Surfactant Output Structure in China by Product, 2018
Non-ionic Surfactant Output and YoY Growth in China, 2015-2025E
Non-ionic Surfactant Output Structure in China by Product, 2018
Apparent Consumption of Non-ionic Surfactant in China, 2015-2025E
China’s Import and Export Volume of Non-ionic Surfactant, 2009-2018
China’s Import/Export Unit Price of Non-ionic Surfactant, 2009-2018
China's Non-ionic Surfactant Import Structure (by Country), 2018
China's Non-ionic Surfactant Export Structure (by Region), 2018
Merger of Dow Chemical and DuPont
Development Strategy of Dow Chemical,
Revenue and Net Income of Dow Chemical, 2011-2018
Revenue Structure of Dow Chemical by Division, 2014-2018
Revenue and EBITDA of Dow Chemical’s Performance Materials & Chemicals Division, 2012-2018
Revenue Structure of Dow Chemical’s Performance Materials & Chemicals Division by Business/Region, 2018
Business Development of Dow Chemical’s Performance Materials & Chemicals Division, 2018
Revenue Structure of Dow Chemical’s Performance Materials & Chemicals Division by Product, 2018
Revenue and Net Income of Clariant, 2011-2018
Revenue Structure of Clariant by Currency, 2018
Revenue and YoY Growth of Clariant by Region, 2018
Business Overview of Clariant by Division
Revenue Structure of Clariant by Business, 2013-2018
Revenue and EBITDA of Clariant - Care Chemicals, 2012-2018
Revenue and EBITDA of Clariant - Natural Resources, 2012-2018
Main Subsidiaries of Clariant in China, 2018
Business of Clariant's Main Subsidiaries in China, 2018
Distribution of Lotte’s Main Subsidiaries
Global Presence of Lotte
Revenue and Net Income of Lotte, 2011-2018
Revenue of Lotte by Region, 2018
Business Divisions and Main Products of Lotte
Revenue Structure of Lotte by Business, 2018
Main Products and Capacity of Lotte, 2018
Lotte’s Projects under Construction, 2018
Main Subsidiaries of Lotte in China, 2018
Revenue and Net Income of Liaoning Oxiranchem, 2011-2018
Operating Revenue of Liaoning Oxiranchem by Product, 2013-2018
Revenue Structure of Liaoning Oxiranchem by Product, 2013-2018
Operating Revenue of Liaoning Oxiranchem by Region, 2012-2018
Revenue Structure of Liaoning Oxiranchem by Region, 2012-2018
Gross Margin of Liaoning Oxiranchem by Product, 2011-2018
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Liaoning Oxiranchem, 2013-2018
Business Positioning Map of Liaoning Oxiranchem
Output and Sales Volume of Polyether Monomers of Liaoning Oxiranchem, 2011-2018
Introduction to Polyether Monomer Related Subsidiaries of Liaoning Oxiranchem, 2018
Revenue and Net Income of Ethylene Oxide Deep-processing Related Subsidiaries of Liaoning Oxiranchem, 2018
Progress in Key Construction Projects of Liaoning Oxiranchem by the End of 2018
Capacity of Ethylene Oxide Derivatives of Liaoning Oxiranchem as of 2018
Revenue and Net Income of Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical, 2011-2018
Revenue Breakdown of Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical by Product, 2015-2018
Revenue Breakdown of Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical by Region, 2012-2018
Revenue Structure of Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical by Region, 2012-2018
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical, 2013-2018
Capacity, Revenue and Gross Margin of Polyether Monomers of Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical, 2013-2018
Output and Sales Volume of Concrete Admixtures of Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical by Product, 2011-2018
Output, Capacity and Capacity Utilization of Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Products of Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical, 2011-2018
Output and Sales Volume of Crystalline Silicon Cutting Fluids of Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical, 2011-2018
Output, Capacity and Capacity Utilization of Ethylene Oxide Derivatives of Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical, 2011-2018
Main Projects under Construction of Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical, 2018
Revenue and Net Income of Zhejiang Huangma Technology, 2014-2018
Revenue Breakdown of Zhejiang Huangma Technology by Product, 2014-2018
Revenue Breakdown of Zhejiang Huangma Technology by Region, 2014-2018
Gross Margin of Zhejiang Huangma Technology by Product, 2014-2018
Output, Sales Volume and Sales-output Ratio of Zhejiang Huangma Technology by Product, 2014-2018
Capacity, Output, Sales Volume and Sales-output Ratio of Polyether Monomers of Zhejiang Huangma Technology, 2014-2018
Revenue and Unit Price of Polyether Monomers of Zhejiang Huangma Technology, 2014-2018
Unit Sales Price of Superplasticizer Products of Zhejiang Huangma Technology
Gross Profit and Gross Margin of Polyether Monomers of Zhejiang Huangma Technology, 2014-2018
Revenue Breakdown of Polyether Monomers of Zhejiang Huangma Technology by Region, 2014-2018
TOP10 Customers for Polyether Monomers of Zhejiang Huangma Technology and Their Revenue Contribution, 2018
MPEG Series of Zhejiang Huangma Technology
APEG Series of Zhejiang Huangma Technology
MPEGMA Products of Zhejiang Huangma Technology
Main Projects under Construction of Zhejiang Huangma Technology as of 2018
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Zhejiang Huangma Technology, 2014-2018
High Stability HPEG Series of Shanghai Taijie Chemical
MPEG Series of Shanghai Taijie Chemical
APEG Series of Shanghai Taijie Chemical
Distribution of Production Bases of Jiahua Chemicals
Global Marketing Network of Jiahua Chemicals
Revenue and Net Income of Jiahua Chemicals, 2011-2018
Operating Revenue of Jiahua Chemicals by Product, 2014-2018
Operating Revenue of Jiahua Chemicals by Region, 2014-2018
Gross Margin of Jiahua Chemicals by Product, 2014-2018
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Jiahua Chemicals, 2011-2018
Output, Sales Volume and Sales-output Ratio of Construction Chemicals of Jiahua Chemicals, 2014-2018
Sales Volume, Revenue and Unit Price of Construction Chemicals of Jiahua Chemicals, 2014-2018
Products and Capacity of 10 kt/a Terminated Ether Project of Nanjing Well Chemical
MPEG Series of Nanjing Well Chemical
Allyl Alcohol Ether Series of Nanjing Well Chemical
Capacity of Main Products of Sobute New Materials by the End of 2018
Product Application Cases of Sobute New Materials
Revenue and Net Income of Xiamen Academy of Building Research Group, 2012-2018
Revenue of Xiamen Academy of Building Research Group by Product, 2012-2018
Revenue Structure of Xiamen Academy of Building Research Group by Product, 2012-2018
Revenue of Xiamen Academy of Building Research Group by Region, 2012-2018
Revenue Structure of Xiamen Academy of Building Research Group by Region, 2012-2018
Gross Margin of Xiamen Academy of Building Research Group by Product, 2012-2018
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Xiamen Academy of Building Research Group, 2011-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Admixture Business of Xiamen Academy of Building Research Group, 2011-2018
Sales Volume of Admixtures of Xiamen Academy of Building Research Group, 2010-2018
Admixture Subsidiaries, and Their Revenue and Net Income of Xiamen Academy of Building Research Group, 2018
Revenue and Operating Income of Shandong Huawei Yinkai Building Material Technology, 2010-2018
Revenue of Shandong Huawei Yinkai Building Material Technology by Product, 2010-2018
Revenue Structure of Shandong Huawei Yinkai Building Material Technology by Product, 2010-2018
Revenue and Gross Margin of Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer of Shandong Huawei Yinkai Building Material Technology, 2010-2018
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