China Motion Controller Industry Report, 2021-2026
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The motion control system is the core component of intelligent manufacturing equipment, usually composed of controllers, motors, drivers, and human-computer interaction interfaces. Through the control program, the system controls the position, speed, direction, etc. of mechanical motion parts in real time after computer processing so as to make them move according to the predetermined motion parameters and motion trajectory. The motion control system determines the accuracy and efficiency of equipment as an important part of differentiation between devices of different brands. It is mainly used in machine tools, textile machinery, plastic machinery, printing machinery, packaging machinery, medical equipment and other industries.
Due to the slowdown in the development of downstream industries such as machine tools, packaging equipment and textile equipment, China's motion controller market has been hovering at a low level in recent years. In 2019, the market size dropped by 3.7% to RMB7.09 billion. Despite the COVID-19, China's effective control over the epidemic still attracted overseas orders in 2020, which boosted the Chinese motion controller market size to RMB7.31 billion with a year-on-year increase of 3.2%. With the introduction of policies such as "Made in China 2025", industrial robots and CNC machine tools have become the focus of development. As the core components in the field of intelligent equipment, motion controllers will see rapid development in the future. It is expected that China's motion control market size will hit RMB8.4 billion.

Motion controllers are divided into general-purpose motion controllers, which include PC-based and PLC-based types, as well as special motion controllers. At present, PLC-based motion controllers are the mainstream traditionally, while PC-based motion controllers have emerged as open controllers in recent years. In the future, the two will gradually merge amid competition. In 2020, the market share of PC-based, PLC-based and dedicated motion controllers was 35.2%, 27.0% and 37.8%, respectively.

There are a large number of companies in China’s motion controller industry, including international leading brands (like Panasonic, Siemens, Mitsubishi and B&R), well-known domestic brands (such as Inovance Technology, Estun, Leadshine, and Huacheng Industrial Control), and numerous small and medium enterprises. From the perspective of the competitive landscape, foreign brands enjoy the lion’s share and dominate the high-end market, while local brands mostly occupy the medium and low-end market with fierce competition.
In terms of market segments, foreign brand companies target the high-end general-purpose motion controller market in China, while domestic companies are positioned in the medium and low-end market. Specifically, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Siemens and other foreign brands master the most high-end market, whereas the medium and low-end market is in a completely market-oriented competition pattern; as for the domestic PC-based control card market, foreign brands such as DELTA TAU and Trio grasp the high-end market, but domestic brands are making efforts in the medium and low-end market where the share of foreign brands is shrinking.
China Motion Controller Industry Report, 2021-2026 released by ResearchInChina highlights the following:
Definition, classification, industry chain and technology trends, etc. of motion controllers;
Industrial environment and policy environment, etc. of Chinese motion controllers;
Supply and demand, competition, etc. of global and Chinese motion controller market;
Status quo of China's general-purpose motion controller and dedicated motion controller market;
The development of the downstream industry of China's motion controllers, etc.;
The operation, revenue structure and development strategies of 14 key motion controller companies in China and 7 international motion controller companies.
1. Profile of Motion Controller
1.1 Definition and Classification
1.1.1 Definition
1.1.2 Classification
1.2 Industry Chain
1.3 Development Trend
1.3.1 Product
1.3.2 Technology
1.3.3 Application
2. Motion Controller Industry in China
2.1 Global
2.2 China
2.2.1 Market Size
2.2.2 Major Companies
2.3 Servo System
2.3.1 Market Size
2.3.2 Competitive Pattern
2.4 Stepping System
2.4.1 Status Quo
2.4.2 Competitive Pattern
3. Motion Controller Market in China
3.1 Major Policies
3.2 Status Quo
3.2.1 Market Size
3.2.2 Downstream Demand and Structure
3.2.3 Product Structure
3.3 Competition Pattern
4. Chinese Motion Controller Market Segments
4.1 PC-based Motion Controllers
4.1.1 Overview
4.1.2 Market Size and Application
4.1.3 Key Manufacturers
4.2 PLC Motion Controllers
4.2.1 Overview
4.2.2 Market Size and Application
4.2.3 Key Manufacturers
4.3 Special Motion Controllers
4.3.1 Overview
4.3.2 Market Size and Application
4.3.3 Key Manufacturers
5. Motion Controller Application Industry in China
5.1 Overview
5.2 Machine Tools
5.2.1 Market Situation
5.2.2 Application of Motion Controllers in Machine Tool
5.3 Robotics
5.3.1 Market Situation
5.3.2 Application of Motion Controllers in Robotics
5.4 Textile Machinery
5.4.1 Market Situation
5.4.2 Application of Motion Controllers in Textile Machinery
5.5 Semiconductor Equipment
5.6 Electronic Devices and Services
5.7 Packaging Machinery
5.8 Printing Machinery
5.9 Medical Equipment
6. Major Motion Controller Manufacturers in China
6.1 Advantech Co., Ltd.
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Motion Controller Business
6.1.4 Strategic Cooperation
6.2 Leadshine Technology
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Revenue Structure
6.2.4 Motion Controller Business
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Motion Controller Business
6.4 Leetro Automation Co., Ltd.
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Motion Controller Business
6.4.4 Key Clients and Suppliers
6.5 Googol Technology (HK) Limited
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Operation
6.6.3 Revenue Structure
6.6.4 Motion Controller Business
6.7 Estun
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Operation
6.7.3 Revenue Structure
6.7.4 Gross Margin
6.7.5 Motion Controller Business
6.7.6 Developments
6.8 Shanghai Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 Operation
6.8.3 Revenue Structure
6.8.4 Gross Margin
6.8.5 Motion Controller Business
6.9 RichAuto S&T
6.9.1 Profile
6.9.2 Operation
6.9.3 Motion Controller Business
6.10.1 Profile
6.10.2 Motion Controller Business
6.11 Haichuan Numerical Control Technology Co., Ltd.
6.11.1 Profile
6.11.2 Motion Controller Business
6.12 Beijing KND CNC Technique Co. Ltd. (KND)
6.12.1 Profile
6.12.2 Motion Controller Business
6.13 TOPCNC Automation Technology Co., Ltd.
6.13.1 Profile
6.13.2 Motion Controller Business
6.14 Shenzhen Tankon Technology Co., Ltd.
6.14.1 Profile
6.14.2 Motion Controller Business
6.15 Overseas Companies in China
6.15.1 Siemens
6.15.2 Mitsubishi Electric
6.15.3 B&R
6.15.4 Beckhoff
6.15.5 Delta Tau
6.15.6 Galil
6.15.7 Servotronix
Structure of Motion Controller System
Factors Influencing Performance of Motion Controller
Features and Application of Three Motion Controller Types
Motion Controller Industry Chain
Global Market Size of Motion Controller, 2014-2026E
Global Market Size of Motion Controller by Product, 2015-2020
Global Market Size of Motion Controller by Application, 2016-2026E
Global Market Size of Motion Controller by Region, 2020
Market Size of Motion Control in China by Product, 2016-2020
Favored Brands in China’s Motion Control Industry, 2020
Most Influential Enterprises and Most Competitive Brands in China’s Motion Control Industry, 2020
Schematic Diagram of Servo System Operation
Market Size of Servo System in China, 2016-2026E
Competitive Pattern of Servo System Market in China, 2020
Market Size of Stepping System in China, 2016-2026E
Competitive Pattern of Stepping System in China, 2020
Market Size of Motion Controllers and YOY in China, 2015-2026E
Market Share of Motion Controllers in China by Sector, 2020
Motion Controller Product Structure in China (by Market Size), 2016-2026E
Competitive Pattern of Motion Controller Market in China, 2020
Comparison of Three Types of PC-Based Motion Controller
Market Size of PC-Based Motion Controller in China, 2016-2026E
Applied Structure of PC-Based Motion Controller in China, 2020
Segment Product Structure of PC-Based Motion Controller, 2016-2026E
Bus-type Motion Controller Structure by Product in China, 2020
Competitive Pattern of PC-Based Motion Controller Market in China, 2020
Features and Application Fields of PLC
Market Size of PLC Motion Controller in China, 2016-2026E
Applied Structure of PLC Motion Controller in China, 2020
Competitive Pattern of PLC Motion Controller Market in China, 2020
Key Profile of PLC Motion Controller Companies
Features and Key Manufacturers of Special Motion Controller
Market Size of Special Motion Controller in China, 2015-2026E
Applied Structure of Special Motion Controller in China, 2020
Competitive Pattern of Special Motion Controller Market in China, 2020
Key Profile of Special Motion Controller Companies
Consumption of Metal Processing Machine Tool in China, 2011-2020
Output of CNC Machine Tools in China, 2010-2020
Global Installations of Industrial Robots, 2016-2026E
Global Ownership of Industrial Robots, 2016-2026E
Sales Volume and YoY Growth of Industrial Robots in China, 2016-2026E
Enterprises in Robotics Industry Chain in China
Density of Industrial Robots in Major Countries, 2019
Major Chinese and Foreign Robot Controller Manufacturers and Their Products
Market Size of Textile Machinery Industry in China, 2013-2026E
Application of Motion Controllers in Textile Machinery Industry in China
China-made Semiconductor Equipment Revenue by Product in China, 2017-2026E
Market Size of Electronic Equipment Industry in China, 2013-2026E
Global Top Ten EMS Suppliers
China’s Packaging Equipment Output, 2016-2021
Revenue of Packaging Machinery in China, 2013-2020
China’s Photocopying and Offset Printing Equipment Output and Growth Rate, 2013-2021
Market Share of Automatic Products of Printing Machinery in China, 2020
Market Size of Medical Equipment Industry in China, 2014-2026E
Organization Structure of Advantech
Revenue and Net Income of Advantech, 2014-2020
Revenue of Advantech by Region, 2018-2020
Revenue of Advantech by Product, 2018-2020
Production Volume & Value of Main Products of Advantech, 2019-2020
Sales Volume & Value of Main Products of Advantech, 2019-2020
Motion Control Products of Advantech
Centralized Motion Control Products of Advantech
Distributed Motion Control Products of Advantech - EtherCAT Solution
Distributed Motion Control Products of Advantech - AMONet Bus Solution
Revenue and Net Income of Leadshine Technology, 2017-2021
Revenue Structure of Leadshine Technology by Product, 2019-2020
Revenue of Leadshine Technology by Region, 2017-2020
Motion Controller Cards of Leadshine Technology
Motion Controllers of Leadshine Technology
mPLC2 Series General-purpose Motion Control Products
PMC600 Series Motion Control Products
Revenue and Net Income of ADTECH, 2014-2020
Main Motion Controllers of ADTECH
Revenue and Net Income of Leetro, 2014-2020
Revenue Structure of Leetro by Business, 2015-2020
Motion Controller Series of Leetro
Leetro's Revenue from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, 2019-2020
Leetro's Procurement from Top 5 Suppliers and % of Total Procurement, 2019-2020
Development Course of Googol Technology
Main Motion Controllers of Googol Technology
Applications of Motion Controllers of Googol Technology
Revenue and Net Income of ADLINK, 2013-2020
Revenue Breakdown of ADLINK by Business, 2020
Revenue Breakdown of ADLINK by Region, 2017-2020
Production Volume & Value of Key Products of Adlink
Sales Volume & Value of Key Products of Adlink
Motion Control Business of Adlink
EtherCAT Motion Control Card PCIe-8338 of ADLINK
Motion Control Card Products of ADLINK
Centralized Motion Controllers (AMP-104C)
Distributed Motion Controller (PCIe-7856)
Main Business and Products of Estun
Revenue and Net Income of Estun Automation, 2015-2021
Operating Revenue Structure of Estun Automation by Business, 2015-2020
Operating Revenue Structure of Estun Automation by Region, 2015-2020
Gross Margin of Estun Automation by Business, 2015-2020
Motion Controllers of Estun
Motion Controller in a Robot
Diagram of ProNet Summa Series Drive
Main Products of Cloos
Estun's Fundraising Projects, 2021
Major Brands of Weihong Electronic
Revenue and Net Income of Weihong Electronic, 2013-2020
Revenue of Weihong Electronic by Product, 2018-2020
Revenue of Weihong Electronic by Region, 2018-2020
Gross Margin of Weihong Electronic by Product, 2016-2020
Motion Control Card Series of Weihong Electronic
Integrated CNC Controller-NK300CX-H
Revenue and Net Income of RichAuto S&T, 2014-2020
Revenue of RichAuto S&T by Business, 2016-2020
RichAuto S&T’s Revenue from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, 2018-2020
Main Motion Controllers of RichAuto S&T
Motion Controllers of Syntec
Global Network of Syntec
New Products of Syntec
Main Motion Controllers of Haichuan Numerical Control
Motion Controllers of Beijing KND
Motion Controllers of TOPCNC Automation
Main Motion Controllers of Tankon
Motion Controllers of Siemens
Overview of SIMOTION system
Components of SIMOTION system
Development Course of Siemens Numerical Control Ltd., Nanjing
Motion Controller Products of Mitsubishi Electric
Lineup of Motion Controller Products of Mitsubishi Electric
Revenue of ABB by Business, 2020
Global Presence of Beckhoff
Beckhoff’s Presence in China
Main Motion Controllers of Delta Tau
Main Motion Controllers of Galil
Key Motion Controller Products of Servotronix
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