China Silicon Carbide Industry Report, 2019-2025
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Silicon carbide (SiC) is the most mature and the most widely used among third-generation wide band gap semiconductor materials. Over the past two years, global SiC market capacity, however, hovered around 3 million tons due to producers’ unwillingness to expand production, a result of high technical barriers (unstable quality of the raw material crystal column). China’s SiC market remains in large size despite a late start, with its capacity sharing roughly 70% of global total in 2018.
Although China boasts a large SiC capacity, most of Chinese companies make little use of their capacity, stopping production or just producing sometime on account of environmental campaigns. In 2018, China’s SiC output reached 910,000 tons (with capacity utilization close to 40%), an annualized slump of 15.7%. In the country, SiC products fall into black and green types, of which black SiC prevails in the market. In 2018, China produced 850,000 tons of black SiC (or 93.4% of the country’s total SiC output), 15% less than in the previous year; its green SiC output plunged by 25% to 60,000 tons. The ever wider use of diamond in solar wafer cutting was another big reason why SiC output took a nosedive.
In China, demand from SiC power devices will be a stimulus to SiC market growth, and traditional applied industries like refractories and abrasives will need less. It can be seen from the trends of the international market that foreign automotive semiconductor vendors have set about seeking for long-term partnerships with SiC wafer suppliers; in the Chinese market, the collaborations between the Institute of Electrical Engineering (IEE) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Tsinghua University and Belgium’s CISSOID in 2019, are a boon for massive application of SiC devices to new energy vehicles. Additionally, SiC devices are extensively used in 5G base stations. In 2019, Xidian University succeeded in trial production of a 5G communication chip by using new-generation gallium nitride (GaN) material based on SiC substrate, breaking the overseas monopoly and paving the way for SiC being applied to domestic 5G market.
The burgeoning sectors like new energy vehicle and 5G will push up global SiC power semiconductor market size to a staggering $1.6 billion in 2025, compared with less than $400 million in 2018. The figure is expected to surge to virtually $5.0 billion in 2030, at an AAGR of at least 20%.
A combination of factors such as technological advances, favorable polices and growing demand will prop the Chinese SiC industry to soar.

China Silicon Carbide Industry Report, 2019-2025 highlights the following:
Global silicon carbide industry (smelting and processing, power semiconductors) (market size, key companies, etc.);
China silicon carbide industry (policy environment, industry status and development trend);
China silicon carbide smelting and processing market (supply and demand, import and export, key companies and price trend);
China silicon carbide semiconductor industry (market size, industry chain (substrates, epitaxies, devices, etc.), key companies, etc.);
15 Chinese silicon carbide smelting and processing companies and 12 silicon carbide semiconductor vendors (operation, revenue structure, silicon carbide business, etc.).
1. Overview
1.1 Definition and Classification
1.2 Properties and Applications
1.3 Industry Chain
2. Development of Global Silicon Carbide Industry
2.1 Silicon Carbide Smelting and Processing
2.1.1 Market Situation
2.1. 2 Key Companies
2.2 Silicon Carbide Power Semiconductor
2.2.1 Overview
2.2.2 Market Situation
2.2.3 Silicon Carbide Substrate
2.2.4 Silicon Carbide Epitaxial Wafer
2.2.5 SiC Power Devices
2.2.6 Key Companies
3. Development of China Silicon Carbide Industry
3.1 Policies
3.2 Status Quo
3.3 Development Trend
4 China Silicon Carbide Smelting and Processing Market
4.1 Supply and Demand
4.1.1 Supply
4.1.2 Demand
4.1.3 Blade Grade Silicon Carbide
4.2 Import and Export
4.2.1 Export
4.2.2 Import
4.3 Price Trend
4.4 Corporate Competition
5 China Silicon Carbide Semiconductor Market
5.1 Market Situation
5.2 SiC Substrate
5.2.1 Status Quo
5.2.2 Key Companies
5.3 Silicon Carbide Epitaxial Wafer
5.4 Silicon Carbide Device
5.5 Application
6. Upstream and Downstream Sectors of China Silicon Carbide Industry
6.1 Upstream Sectors
6.1.1 Quartz Sand
6.1.2 Anthracite
6.1.3 Petroleum coke
6.2 Downstream Sectors
6.2.1 Abrasives
6.2.2 Refractories
6.2.3 Iron & Steel
6.2.4 Special Ceramics
6.2.5 LED
6.2.6 PV
6.2.7 New Energy Vehicles
6.2.8 Microwave Device
6.2.9 5G Communication Base Station
7 Key Chinese Silicon Carbide Smelting and Processing Companies
7.1 Henan Yicheng New Energy Co., Ltd.
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Revenue Structure
7.1.4 Gross Margin
7.1.5 R&D and Investment
7.1.6 Clients and Suppliers
7.1.7 Silicon Carbide Business
7.1.8 Prediction and Outlook
7.2 Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry Co., Ltd.
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 Revenue Structure
7.2.4 Gross Margin
7.2.5 Silicon Carbide Business
7.2.6 Development Strategy
7.3 JiangSu HaoBo New Materials Co., Ltd.
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 Revenue Structure
7.3.4 Gross Margin
7.3.5 Silicon Carbide Business
7.4 Pingluo Binhe Sic Co., Ltd.
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Silicon Carbide Business
7.5 Lanzhou Heqiao Resource Co., Ltd.
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Silicon Carbide Business
7.6 NingXia Tianjing Long Ding Silicon Carbide Co., Ltd.
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Silicon Carbide Business
7.7 Tianzhu Zhengyu Silicon Carbide Co., Ltd.
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Silicon Carbide Business
7.8 Ningxia Jinjing Metallurgicals & Minerals Industrial Co., Ltd.
7.8.1 Profile
7.8.2 Silicon Carbide Business
7.9 Tonghua Hongxin Abrasive Co., Ltd.
7.9.1 Profile
7.9.2 Silicon Carbide Business
7.10 Linshu Zhengyu Silicon Carbide Factory
7.10.1 Profile
7.10.2 Silicon Carbide Business
7.11 Jiangsu Leyuan New Materials Group Co., Ltd.
7.11.1 Profile
7.11.2 Silicon Carbide Business
7.12 Hanjiang Hongyuan Xiangyang Silicon Carbide Special Ceramics Co., Ltd.
7.12.1 Profile
7.12.2 Silicon Carbide Business
7.12.3 Development Advantages
7.13 Yili Master Carborundum Products Co., Ltd.
7.13.1 Profile
7.13.2 Silicon Carbide Business
7.14 Xinjiang Longhai Silicon Industry Development Co., Ltd.
7.14.1 Profile
7.14.2 Silicon Carbide Business
7.15 Shandong Jinmeng New Material Co., Ltd.
7.15.1 Profile
7.15.2 Silicon Carbide Business
8 Key Chinese Silicon Carbide Semiconductor Vendors
8.1 Beijing TanKeBlue Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
8.1.1 Profile
8.1.2 Operation
8.1.3 Revenue Structure
8.1.4 Gross Margin
8.1.5 Clients and Suppliers
8.1.6 R&D and Investment
8.1.7 Silicon Carbide Business
8.1.8 Development Strategy
8.2 SICC Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
8.2.1 Profile
8.2.2 Silicon Carbide Business
8.3 Hebei Synlight Crystal Co., Ltd.
8.3.1 Profile
8.3.2 Silicon Carbide Business
8.4 Beijing Century Goldray Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
8.4.1 Profile
8.4.2 Silicon Carbide Business
8.5 Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
8.5.1 Profile
8.5.2 Operation
8.5.3 Silicon Carbide Business
8.6 Global Power Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
8.6.1 Profile
8.6.2 Silicon Carbide Business
8.7 EpiWorld International Co., Ltd.
8.7.1 Profile
8.7.2 Silicon Carbide Business
8.8 Semiconductor Business Unit of Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co., Ltd.
8.8.1 Profile
8.8.2 Silicon Carbide Business
8.9 Dongguan Tianyu Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.
8.9.1 Profile
8.9.2 Silicon Carbide Business
8.10 Xiamen Xinguangrunze Technology Co., Ltd.
8.10.1 Profile
8.10.2 Silicon Carbide Business
8.11 Roshow Technology CO., Ltd.
8.11.1 Profile
8.11.2 Silicon Carbide Business
8.12 CISRI-Zhongke Energy Conservation and Technology Co., Ltd.
8.12.1 Profile
8.12.2 Silicon Carbide Business
SiC Industry Chain
Global Silicon Carbide Capacity, 2012-2019E
Structure of Downstream Demand for Silicon Carbide Worldwide, 2009-2019
Major SiC Smelting and Processing Enterprises Worldwide
Advantages of Third-generation SiC Semiconductor
Main Applications of SiC Power Devices
Policies on Supporting the Development of SiC Materials in Some Countries
Global SiC Power Semiconductor Market Size, 2015-2025E
Application Structure of Global SiC Semiconductor, 2016-2022E
Global SiC n-type Substrate Shipment and Output Value, 2016
Global SiC Epi-house & Epi-Service Suppliers
Classification of SiC Power Devices
Global Power Device Manufacturers
Major Companies in Global SiC Semiconductor Industry Chain
SiC MOSFET Roadmap of ST
Policies on Silicon Carbide Industry in China, 2011-2018
China’s SiC Capacity (by Product), 2015-2019E
China’s SiC Semiconductor Industry Chain
China’s Silicon Carbide Output by Type, 2011-2019E
China’s Silicon Carbide Output by Region, 2019
China’s SiC Apparent Consumption, 2013-2025E
China’s SiC Demand Structure (by Product), 2019
Comparison between Mortar Line Cutting and Diamond Wire Cutting
Penetration Rate of Diamond Wire Cutting in Photovoltaic Industry
Market Share of Major Electroplated Diamond Wire Manufacturers in China, 2016
China’s Export Volume and Value of Silicon Carbide, 2013-2019
China’s Import Volume and Value of Silicon Carbide, 2013-2019
China’s SiC Ex-factory Price (tax included), 2016-2019
Black SiC Price Trend in Ningxia, 2017-2019
Capacity of Major SiC Smelting and Processing Companies in China, 2019
Major Companies in Chinese SiC Industry Chain
China’s SiC Semiconductor Output Value (by Industrial Chain Link), 2019
International SiC Monocrystal Substrate Size and Share in Power Electronics, 2005-2020E
Competitive Landscape of Global SiC Wafer Market (including R&D Institutions), 2019
Development History of SiC Epitaxy
China’s Import Value and Export Value of Silica Sand and Quartz Sand, 2014-2019
Anthracite Price Trend in North China, 2016-2019
China’s Petroleum Coke Output, 2010-2019
Operating Rate of Petroleum Coke in China, 2017-2019
Price Trend of Petroleum Coke in China, 2016-2019
China’s Petroleum Coke Import Structure (by Country), 2019
Diagram of Silicon Wafer Cutting
China’s Output of Refractory Materials, 2010-2025E
China’s Output of Refractory Materials (by Type), 2010-2019
Application of SiC in Steel Industry
China’s Output of Crude Steel, 2010-2025E
China’s Output of Electric Furnace Steel and Proportion, 2013-2025
Top 10 Enterprises by Crude Steel Output in China, 2019
Ceramic Matrix Composite Industry Chain
Comparison between Three LED Chip Substrate Materials
SiC Substrate LED Chip
China’s LED Output Value (by Production Process), 2011-2025E
Market Share of LED Chip Vendors in Mainland China, 2016-2019
Cost Structure of LED Chip
China’s Cumulative PV Installed Capacity, 2009-2025E
China’s Output and Sales of NEVs (by Type), 2013-2019
Electric Vehicle Charging Pile Ownership and Pile-to-vehicle Ratio in China, 2015-2025E
Revenue and Net Income of Yicheng New Energy, 2011-2019
Revenue Breakdown of Yicheng New Energy by Business, 2016-2019
Revenue Breakdown of Yicheng New Energy by Region,2011-2019
Gross Margin of Yicheng New Energy,2011-2019
R&D Expenditure of Yicheng New Energy and % of Total Revenue, 2012-2019
Yicheng New Energy’s Procurement from Top5 Suppliers, 2015-2019
Yicheng New Energy’s Sales from Top5 Customers, 2015-2019
Output, Sales, and Inventory of Yicheng New Energy (by Product), 2013-2019
SiC Revenue and Gross Margin of Yicheng New Energy, 2013-2019
Revenue and Net Income of Yicheng New Energy’s Silicon Carbide-related Subsidiaries, 2019
Revenue and Net Income of Yicheng New Energy, 2017-2025E
Revenue and Net Income of Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry,2011-2019
Revenue Breakdown of Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry (by Business), 2012-2019
Revenue Breakdown of Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry (by Region),2012-2019
Gross Margin of Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry, 2012-2019
Revenue from and Gross Margin of Silicon Carbide Business of Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry, 2012-2019
Specifications of Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry’s Silicon Carbide Products
Development History of Haobo New Materials
Revenue and Net Income of Haobo New Materials, 2013-2019
Revenue Breakdown of Haobo New Materials (by Business), 2013-2019
Gross Margin of Haobo New Materials, 2013-2019
Development History of Lanzhou Heqiao Resource
Shareholding Structure of Lanzhou Heqiao Resource
Specifications of Lanzhou Heqiao Resource’s Black SiC Grit
Specifications of Lanzhou Heqiao Resource’s Black SiC Powder
Specifications of Lanzhou Heqiao Resource’s High-density Large-crystal Black Silicon Carbide
Lanzhou Heqiao Resource’s High-density Large-crystal Black Silicon Carbide
Specifications of Lanzhou Heqiao Resource’s Black SiC Sand
Major Economic Indices of NingXia Tianjing Long Ding, 2017-2019
Specifications of Ningxia Jinjing Metallurgicals & Minerals Industrial’s Black Silicon Carbide
Shareholding Structure of TonghuaHongxin Abrasive
Main Products of Jiangsu Leyuan New Materials Group
Revenue and Net Income of TankeBlue Semiconductor, 2014-2019
Revenue Breakdown of TankeBlue Semiconductor by Product, 2014-2019
Revenue Breakdown of TankeBlue Semiconductor (by Region), 2014-2019
Gross Margin of TankeBlue Semiconductor, 2014-2019
TankeBlue Semiconductor’s Sales from Top5 Customers, 2014-2019
TankeBlue Semiconductor’s Procurement from Top5 Suppliers, 2014-2019
TankeBlue Semiconductor’s R&D Expenditure, 2014-2016
TankeBlue Semiconductor’s 6-inch Conductive SiC Crystal
TankeBlue Semiconductor’s 2 to 4-inch Conductive SiC Wafers
TankeBlue Semiconductor’s X-inch Semi-insulating SiC Crystal
TankeBlue Semiconductor’s 2 to 4-inch Semi-insulating SiC Wafers
TankeBlue Semiconductor’s 2-inch SiC Wafer Standards
TankeBlue Semiconductor’s 3-inch SiC Wafer Standards
TankeBlue Semiconductor’s 4-inch SiC Wafer Standards
TankeBlue Semiconductor’s 6-inch SiC Wafer Standards
TankeBlue Semiconductor’s Dummy Grade SiC Wafer Standards
Shareholding Structure of SICC Materials
Foreign Sales Network of SICC Materials
Domestic Sales Network of SICC Materials
Specifications of SICC Materials’ N-type 2-inch Substrate
Specifications of SICC Materials’ N-type 3-inch Substrate
Specifications of SICC Materials’ N-type 4-inch Substrate
4-inch SiC Products and Performance of Hebei Synlight Crystal
6-inch SiC Products and Performance of Hebei Synlight Crystal
Development History of Beijing Century Goldray Semiconductor
SiC-related Products and Applications of Beijing Century Goldray Semiconductor
Development History of Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology
Revenue of Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology (by Product), 2013-2019
Development History of Xiamen XinGuangRunZe Technology
Products of Xiamen XinGuangRunZe Technology
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